
发布 2021-03-02 21:50:28 阅读 9174

一、填空。this her ruler? yesit's

that eric's schoolbag? nosally's.

these his pencils? yesthey're

those anna's books? nomine.





三。 词汇专练。

a) 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。

1. —w___is my schoolbag?

it's o__ the chair.

2. my keys are u___the bed.

3. —where is my clock?

sorry, i don't k___

4. the books are in the b

b) 根据括号内所给的汉语提示补全句子。

1.here is我的房间).

2. my英语课本) is on the desk.

3. her hat is在她头上).

4. his电脑) is on the bed.

5. where are the磁带)?


1. 在书包里2. 在床上。

3. 在椅子下4. 英语课本。

5. 在沙发上6. 在桌子下面。

7. on the desk8. model plane

9. tape player


1. “书包在哪儿?” 在桌子下面。”

the schoolbag? —it'sthe table.

2. “你的书在哪儿?”“它们在椅子上。”

your books? —they are __the chair.

3. 钥匙在书架上。

the keysthe bookcase.

六、选择。 )1. —is that __eraser? —no, it's __ruler.

a. an; a b. a; an c. an; an d. a; a

2. —are your tapes in the bookcase

a. yes, i am b. no, i don't know c. yes, they are d. no, it isn't

七。 句型专练。

1. the watch is对画线部分提问)

the watch?

2.her hat is on the chair. (改为否定句)

her hatthe chair.

3. these are my books.(改为一般疑问句)

your books?

4. the baseball is on the sofa. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

___the baseball __the sofa?


my keys are in the desk.


a: excuse me, kate. w__1__is my english book?

b: it is o__2__ the sofa.

a: and where are the keys?

b: t__3__ are in the bookcase.

a: is my computer g__4__ on the table?

b: n__5__,it i__6__.it's under the bed.

a: 's my watch? i__7__it in your schoolbag?

b: y__8__,it is. h__9__ you are.

a: t__10__ you.

b: that's ok.




___youa pingpong ball?

yes, i __

2. “她有足球吗?”


she __a soccer ball?


h**e many

4. 那听起来很有趣。

that. 词汇专练。

a) 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。

1. —do you h___a basketball?

—yes, i do.

2. let's play v

3. math is very di don't like it.

4. this is an igame.

5. my sister wtv every day.


1.i only watch sports在电视上).

2.soccer is对我来说很容易).

3让我们) play tennis.

4.do you打篮球) every day?

5.i h**e a乒乓球拍).


1.sonia __h**e) a sports collection.

2. let's __play) soccer.

3. thatsound) relaxing.

4. he only watches __they) on tv.

5. we h**e threebaseball).


ming___like basketballhe likes football.

a. don't; but

b. doesn't; or

c. doesn't; but

d.doesn't; and

2. —let's __tennis.

that sounds good.

a. play b. to play

c.playing d./

3. —do you like soccer?

a. i don't like b.i like it

c. yes, i do d.no, i do

4your brothera great sports collection?

a. do; h**e b. does; h**e

c. does; has d.do; h**e

every day.

a. watches b. watch

c. looks d.sees

cousin doesn't like thinks it is

a. fun b. boring

c. interesting d. good

7. i like to watch basketball games __tv.

a. on b.at c.in d.to

8. we __football. we play football every day.

a. like b. likes

c. don't like d.doesn't like


1. i h**e a computer. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

___youa computer?



一 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。1 你有乒乓球吗?是的,我有。youa pingpong ball?yes,i 2.她有足球吗?不,她没有。she a soccer ballshe h e many排球 4.那听起来很有趣。that二。词汇专练。a 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1.do you h ...


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