
发布 2023-02-23 01:01:28 阅读 5552


1,liumataiwan.(来自)2they from?(**)3that girl?

(谁是)4are they tom and tim?(抱歉,打扰)5is from england.(我英语老师)

6is 7654789.(她的**)7is zhao.(他的姓)8,thank you非常)9,heamerica.(不是来自)10,rose is eleven岁的)

11,we are在相同的年段)12,they are in七年级四班)13,she is a中国女孩)

14is mr. wang.(他最喜欢的老师)

15,he has aand a大鼻子,阔嘴巴)16is the cat?(什么颜色)

17,you and liujia看起来一样)18,weand blue eyes.(有金色头发)19,the apple是绿色的)

20,we don’t看起来一样)but we是好朋友)21,ia skirt.(想要买)

22,are theseshoes?(一双)23the coat, it’s nice.(看看)

24those gloves?(什么颜色)

25,the students看起来很高兴)

26,the two boys穿蓝色衣服的男孩看起来很酷)27,please look at这张**)

28,this girlhair.(留着棕色短发)29,pleaselily.(把信给)30,what color are这双鞋)31it’s his jacket.

(我认为)32,i h**e一个新同学)

33,but they are穿不同的衣服)

34are white and __are gray.(他的裤子,我的)35are those? they’re谁的衣服,凯特的)36,what’s this用英语)37,these are他们的香蕉)38,what does she长什么样)39her age?


40,ibeijing next week.(想要参观)41,does your pen pal居住在英国)42,i will __you __your english.(帮助)43,we knowand we’re friends.

(互相)44,michaelhis parents.(与---居住)

45,hechinese.(知道一点点)46,she __like black一点也不)47in his class likes him.(每一个学生048,lilei often reads english在上午)49,where do you usually吃早饭)50,--may i点餐)

milk and two eggs.(一杯)51,i often h**e vegetables晚餐)52some bread?(你想要)

--yes,i like bread非常)53,what about一些喝点)54,what do youour school?(认为)55,the trousers are太长)

56that pair of pants?(为什么不试穿)57,thank you仍然)

58this white coat?(-怎么样)59, _do you __this blue schoolbag?(认为)

60,she often helps her mom购物)61,i’d likemilk.(两杯)62,the box is非常重)

63,let’s去野炊)64,can you唱英语歌)

65,mike goes home在傍晚)

66,--what does your brother do在星期天)--he oftenon a farm.(放风筝)

67,can you __mariathe letter to jane?(叫---给)68,ito go there with you.(没有时间)69qingdao tomorrow?


70,my bike is broken. so ia new one.(不得不买)71,he finds a book在回家路上)72,please __mingming __tomorrow morning.

(回**)73,iin the evening.(做作业)74breakfast.(是---的时间)75,i7:

00 in the morning.(起床)76,it’s9:35)

77,she finds her schoolbag在回家路上)

78,thank youit’syou .(你的帮助,很好)79,that is a我的家庭照)80some chicken,kids.(请自己吃)81,jim likes manychinese food.

(种类的)82,who are the people在沙发上)83,child likes todog.(玩耍)

84,the girl wantsthe yellow shirt.(想试穿)85rice do we need。(多少)


核心词汇。矿,矿藏 矿山,矿井 地雷,水雷。vt.开采,采掘 在 布雷。vi.开矿,采矿 埋设地雷。pron.我的 i的名词性物主代词,相当于my加名词 例句 that book isn t mine.那本书不是我的。用法 1 coal mine煤矿,煤矿坑。2 gold mine金矿,金山。3 f...


核心词汇。man n.矿,矿藏 矿山,矿井 地雷,水雷。vt.开采,采掘 在 布雷。vi.开矿,采矿 埋设地雷。pron.我的 i的名词性物主代词,相当于my加名词 例句 that book isn t mine.那本书不是我的。用法 1 coal mine煤矿,煤矿坑。2 gold mine金矿,...


古板头中学七年级英语词汇竞赛 2012.6 班级姓名成绩 一 请翻译下列单词。1.问题21.国家41.粥。2.答案22.澳大利亚42.饺子。3.词典23.语言43.健康的。4.朋友24.日语44.有趣的。5.女儿25.图书馆45.困难的。6.堂兄弟26.超市46.最喜爱的。7.图画27.博物馆47....