七年级 上 新目标英语unit5单元练习

发布 2023-03-10 04:49:28 阅读 5995

七年级上unit 5 知识点总结。

一、 知识点。

ping-pong ball 兵乓球soccer ball 足球。

ping-pong bat 乒乓球拍tennis racket 网球拍。

let’s play soccer 让我们来踢足球吧!

that sounds good 听起来很好。

watch tv 看电影play sports 进行体育运动。

play tennis/basketball/soccer 打网球/打篮球/踢足球。

play computer games 打电脑游戏。

many sports clubs 许多运动俱乐部。

h**e a great sports collection 收藏大量的体育用品。

every day 每天everyday 每天的;日常的。

h**e some more ***** 有更多一些纸。

二、 有关sports的短语。

outdoor sports 户外运动 play/do sports 做运动。

sports meeting 运动会 sports shoes 运动鞋。

三、 语法点。



1. 一般疑问句、否定句表达的不同方式:


①- are you at homeyes, i am. /no, i am not

do you stay at homeyes, i do. /no, i don’t.

does she stay at homeyes, she does. /no, she doesn’t.


i am not at homei don’t stay at home. she doesn’t stay at home.

3. 主语为第三人称单数时,谓语行为动词的变化。(变化规则)

she plays computer games on sundays.

she studies english every morning.

she goes to school on weekdays.

she has breakfast at 6:45.

4. 用法:

1) 表示现在的状况:

i am a teacher. you are student. they are in london.

2) 表示经常的或习惯性的动作:

i usually go to school on foot. she plays tennis every morning.

3) 表示主语具备的性格和能力等:

he likes playing basketball. they do the cooking.

unit 5 单元测试。


)1.his family name is white.

a.last name b.middle name c.first name d.given name

)2.i think the math class is boring, so i don’t like it.

a.interesting b.difficult c.not interesting d.not difficult

)3.thanks a lot.

a.many b.very much c.very d.much

)4.ed likes sports.

a.has b.h**e c.does d.loves

)5.let’s h**e a look at the collections.

a.h**e a watch b.see c.look at d.look


6.thatsound) interesting.

7youh**e) a tennis racket?

8.my brotherh**e) a baseball bat.

9.we h**e manyclub) in our school.

10.let watchthey) on tv.

11.sheplay) sports every day.

12.can you __bring) your new picture books here?

13your friendlike) sports?

14.letwe) play tennis.

15.that’s aninterest) computer game.


( )16.itv at night(在晚上).

a.look at b.see c.watch d.look

( )17.let’sthe map on the wall.

a.look at b.see c.watch d.look

( )18.i canmany things on the table.

a.look at b.see c.watch d.look

( )19.the question is not easy. it’s very

a.difficult b.difficulty c.relating d.not difficult

( )20.let’s playbasketball. i don’t like playin**iolin.

a.the, the b.the, ×c.×,the d.×,

( )21your friend like english?

a.does b.do c.is d.has

( )22our club, please!

a.join b.join in c.come d.go

( )23.let’sandfootball on the playground.

a.to go, to play b.go, play c.to go, play d.go, to play

( )24they h**e any sports collections? yes, they

a.are, are b.do, do c.can, do d.do, can

)25.can youitenglish?

a.speak, in b.say, in c.talk, with d.tell, with



36.whatsue h**e? she has many sports things.

37.do you h**e some more *****? no, i

38.there __two football and a volleyball in the basket.

39.let’sgood friends.

40you spell your name, please?

41there a football game on tv today?


教学实践中,新课程英语教学应当处理好以下关系 1 正确处理教师 教 和学生 学 的关系。教师应更多的关注如何让学生学会自学,而不是单方面的向学生灌输语言知识。教学过程应该是学生在教师的帮助和指导下,掌握知识,并且形成技能的过程。教师应当更好的发挥学生的主体地位,让学生自己去发现问题 分析问题 解决问...

七年级 上 新目标英语unit5单元练习

七年级上unit 5 知识点。ping pong ball 兵乓球soccer ball 足球。ping pong bat 乒乓球拍tennis racket 网球拍。let s play soccer 让我们来踢足球吧!that sounds good 听起来很好。watch tv 看电影 pla...

七年级 上 新目标英语unit5单元练习

七年级上unit 5 知识点。ping pong ball 兵乓球soccer ball 足球。ping pong bat 乒乓球拍tennis racket 网球拍。let s play soccer 让我们来踢足球吧!that sounds good 听起来很好。watch tv 看电影 pla...