七年级英语上册 unit7单元测试3含答案

发布 2023-03-09 15:43:28 阅读 3239

新目标七年级上unit 7 how much are these socks试题。


abc defg

1. sweater2. shorts3. socks4. hat __

5. pants6. t-shirt7. shoes __


8. the bags on __销售)are fifteen yuan each.

9. my sister likes to go to that __服装)store to buy clothes.

10. the boy in __白色的), not the one in black, is his cousin.

11. you can buy the shirt for eight __美元) or twenty rmb yuan.

12. they __卖) the soccer balls for only ¥40.

13. green, yellow, black and red are all c___

14. the white pants are too s __for jim, but the black pants are too long for him.

15. come and see for y___at xingfu clothes store.

16. –what’s the pof this bird? –it’s 100 yuan.


18it the tv? –it’s 2000 yuan.

a. how many b. how much c. how about d. how big

19. i want to buy a shirt __my father.

a. to b. on c. for d. in

20. –can i help you

a. thank you b. yes, please, i want a pen.

c. you’re welcome. d. i’m sorry.

21. let’s go and h**e __his new cd.

a. look at b. a look at c. a look d. the look at

22. jim’s __is red.

a. shoes b. bag c. socks d. pants.

23. –how much are the pantstwenty dollars.

a. it has b. it is c. they h**e d. they are

24. –are these your shoes? –yes

a. they’re b. they are c. these are d. there’re

25. –the t-shirt is only ten dollars. –i’ll __it.

a. buy b. take c. sale d. sell

26. i like red but my brother

a. likes red, too b. doesn’t c. does d. doesn’t like

27. i like sports. my friend allan __likes sports.

a. too b. but c. and d. also

28. –what color is it

a. it’s a green car b. it’s a green c. it’s green d. it’s green car

29. we h**estudents.

a. fourty –four b. four – fourty c. forty – four d. four –forty

30. how muchdo you want?

a. tomatoes b. bananas c. hamburgers d. chicken

31. come downmr cool’s clothing storeyourself.

a. to, forb. for, to c. /for d. for, by

32. they h**e t-shirtsgreen and black for only $13___the shop.

a. at; at b. in; in c. with; with d. at; in

33. -whereyour new pants?

on the bed.

a. is, it’sb. are, they’re

c. is, they’red. are, it’s

34. these shirtsonly 5 dollars. do you want

a. are, itb. is, them c. are, them d. is, it

35. how muchthese carrots?

a. areb. isc. dod. does

四。 将下列短语译成英语(共12分,每小题2分)

1. 看一看2. 服装店3. **。

4. 亲自5. 以合理的**6. 给你。

五。 按要求写出单词(共14分,每小题2分)

1. sell(反义词2. long(反义词。

3. white(反义词4. tomato(复数。

5. box(复数6. like(第三人称单数。

7. bring(反义词。

六 . 按要求改写下列各句,每空一词。(共8分,每小题2分)

1. that bag is black.(改为同义词)


2. this is a t-shirt.(改为复数句子)

are3. i like chinese. (改为否定句)


4. what’s the price of the dictionary?(改为同义句)

is the dictionary?


come to black’s clothing sale for kids. girls! 1 socks are only $ 4, the shorts 2 only $ 5.

3 hat is only $ 5. 4 you like this sweater? it 5 only $ 5.

6 boys, red, green and blue t-shirt are only $ 10.


)1. a. this b. thatc. itd. these

)2. a. isb. amc. are d. be

)3. a. this b. therec. itd. those

)4. a. isb. arec. does d. do

)5. a. isb. amc. are d. be

)6. a. inb. toc. for d. on

八。 书面表达(20分)



unit 7 how much are these pants 第一课时。课型 听说课。教学方法 直观教学法 情景教学法 交际教学法。教学手段 互动 主动 能动。教学内容 section a的page 41 42教学目标 主要是通过介绍服装,学习谈论服装的 和颜色,学会购物用语。教学重点 学习运用重...


3 利用幻灯片 2a的录音两次,引导学生圈出他们所听到的服装图画。利用幻灯片复习表示颜色的单词,并学习长短和大小的形容词,完成2a部分的教学任务。核对答案。4 重新 2a部分的录音,要求学生根据所听到的内容填写 标签,完成2b的听力训练任务并掌握how much问句的构成和应答。核对答案。5 引导学...


unit 7教案。1.教师使用课前准备好的实物或者 教学本课新生词。注意顺序上应该先单数名词再复数名词。教师边示范边板书句子和单词。t what is this that?it s a t shirt sweater bag are these those?they are socks shorts...