
发布 2023-03-09 15:44:28 阅读 7319



新目标英七年级上unit 1单元测试题。

i. 从下列每组词中找出不属于同类的词。(10分)

)1. a. meet b. card c. clock d. telephone

)2. a. one b. number c. five d. six

)3. a. itb. youc. hisd. i

)4. a. look b. draw c. listen d. zero

)5. a. and b. isc. amd. are

ii. 单项选择。(20分)

)1. -what’sname? -his name is jack.

a. herb. hisc. my

)2. –good evening, li pingtom.

a. good evening b. good afternoon. c. good morning.

)3. –what’s her first name? -her __name is jenny.

a. lastb. firstc. phone

)4i’m fine, thank you.

a. what’s your name b. what’s his phone number c. how are you

)5. nicemeet you.

a. inb. toc. hi

)6is it? -it’s yellow.

a. what’sb. howc. what color

)7. –what’s this? -it’s a __

a. blackb. clockc. three

)8. 元音字母正确的一组是。

a. a, h, k, j, m b. e, a, i, u, rc. o, u, a, i, e

)9. un 的意思是。

a.**电视台 b. 英国广播公司 c.联合国。

)10. a: good morning!

ba. hib. good morning c. hello

)11. –what’s her name

a. a girlb. a boyc. linda

)12. –what’s your telephone number2828-56348.

a. it’sb. itsc. it

)13. –nice to meet you

a. my name is linda b. i’m maryc. nice to meet you

)14. -what’s the girl’s namename is mary.

a. hisb. myc. her

)15. –what’s the boy’s namename is francisco.

a. herb. hisc. it’s

)16. a

b: his name is john.

a. what's his nameb. what's her namec. what's your name

)17. a: hello, ann! how are you?

ba. how are youb. nice to meet you c. fine, thanks

)18. 3. is this your brother? what'sname?

a. herb. hisc. your

)19. a: hi, jenny! nice to meet you!

ba. hib. nice to meet you, tooc. good morning!

)20. -hello! my name __tom. -hello! i __karen.

a. is is b. am am c. am is d. is am

iii. 在b栏中找出a栏的对应语。(10分)

ab )31. what’s his namea. linda.

)32. what’s her nameb. nice to meet you.

)33. what’s your phone number? c. ben.

)34. nice to meet youd. hi. i’m jim.

)35. hello, i’m marye. it’s 81-9988.

iv. 看图完成句子 (23分)

hello. i'm mary.

bi'm jim.



b: francisco.

ab: it's 3344668.

excuse me. are you jack.

b: yes, i

abob. nice toyou.

btoyou, too.

4. a: what's his name?


a: and

b: her name's gina.

viii. 阅读理解。(20分)


s: good afternoon, miss zhang.

t: good afternoon, qiao feng.

s: how are you, miss zhang?

t: i'm fine, thank you. and you?

s: fine, too. excuse me, miss zhang. what's this?

t: it's a book.

s: can you spell it?

t: yes. b-o-o-k, book.

s: thanks.

t: you're welcome. goodbye!

s: goodbye!

1. 对话发生的时间是上午。 (

2. 对话是在师生之间展开的。 (

3. 对话双方是初次见面。 (

4. 对话中的“t”是一位未婚女教师。(

5. 对话内容涉及到相互问候、询问姓名及请教问题。 (

(b)hello! i'm lin tao. i'm twelve.

my english name is jim. i'm chinese. my telephone number is 766-3647.

i live (居住) in beijing. i h**e a good friend. his name is jack smith.

he's eleven. he's a student. his telephone number is 281-8953.

he lives in london.


)1. lin tao is twelve.

)2. lin tao is chinese.

)3. jack is lin tao's brother.

)4. jack is thirteen.

)5. jack's telephone number is 766-3647.

ix. 写作。(17分)




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