
发布 2023-03-09 03:08:28 阅读 4177


unit 12 what did you do last weekend?


教师寄语】: where there’s a will, there’s a way. 有志者事竟成。

section a

1. what did you do last weekend, lucy? 露西,你上周末做什么?

解析】 what +did + 动词原形 +其他?

答语:主语+动词过去式+ 其他?

— what did you buy last monday?

— i bought some apples.

do/does →did v 做,行动。

拓展】当“last/next/this/ that +时间词”在句中作状语时,其前通常不用介词。

he went to the cinema with his friends last sunday.

inot do) my homework last night.

did you give tom a phone call?

— yes , i did. but nobody __

a. answer b. answered c. answers d. answering

2. well, on sunday morning, i played badminton.哦在星期天的早上,我打了羽毛球。

解析1】on sunday morning “在星期六上午”


on sunday afternoon 在星期天下午。

on children’s day 在儿童节那天。

on the afternoon of may 8 在三月八号的下午。

① —what did you do?

— iplay) the guitar.

) we played tennis in the park __tuesday.

a. in b. on c. at d. for

)③the accident happened __a cold winter early morning.

a. in b. at c. on d. for

解析2】played badminton 打羽毛球。

play +球类名词(球类名词前不加任何冠词)

play basketball 打篮球 play volleyball打排球 play tennis 打网球。

3. camped by the lake 在湖边野营。

解析】camp v “扎营,搭帐篷” go camping 去野营。

would you like to gocamp) with us this afternoon?

yes, i’d love to

4. i studied for the math test. 我为数学测验而学习。

解析】study for 为…….而学习。

5. —who visited her grandma? 谁看望了她的奶奶?

— becky did. 贝基。

解析】 :becky did = becky visited her grandma

句中did代替表示过去的动词短语visited her grandma

当动词(短语)是动词原形或第三人称单数时, 需用do或does

tom didn’t go to the science museum , but his sister did.

解析2】visit v 拜访→visitor n 拜访者。

on a visit to 参观 visit sb 拜访某人。

theyvisit) their teacher the day before yesterday.

6. how interesting! 多么有趣啊!

解析】how引导的感叹句: how + adj./adv .(主语+谓语)

how beautiful ! 多美啊!

how cold it is today! 今天多冷啊!

拓展】what 引导的感叹句:

(1) what + a/an +adj. +可数名词单数(+主语+谓语)!

what an interesting story it is!

2) what + 可数名词复数或不可数名词(+主语+谓语)!

what good children they are ! 他们是多么好的孩子啊!

what delicious food it is! 多么美味的食物啊!

did you enjoy the party last night?

— very much. _wonderful the party was!

a. what b. how c. what a d. how a

) maria works as a tour guide. _interesting job she has!

a. what b. what an c. how d. how an

7. they h**e a butterfly house with over 200 kinds of butterflies!

他们有一个蝴蝶馆,里面有200 多种蝴蝶!

解析1】with prep. “带有, 具有” ,后接名词,构成介词短语,修饰名词作定语,位于名词之后。

he is a boy with glasses. 他是一个戴眼镜的男孩。

) linda has bought a large house __a swimming pool.

a. with b. in c. on d. from

解析2】 over = more than “(在数量上、程度上)超过”

they are over forty students in our class.

8. i told the visitors about them and their living habits. 我告诉游客它们的情况及他们的生活习性。

解析1】visit +or =visitor 游客。

拓展】 act (表演) →actor (男演员) invent(发明)→ inventor (发明家)

解析2】living habits “生活习惯”

拓展】 living room 起居室 eating habit 饮食习惯 swimming pool 游泳池。

running water自来水 waiting room等候室。

9. i stayed up late to watch the soccer game. 我熬夜到很晚看了场足球赛。

解析1】stay up= sit up “熬夜,不睡觉”

let’s stay up and see the new year.

) don’t __so often. it’s bad for your health.

a. get up b. stay up c. look up d. come up

解析2】to watch the soccer game.(动词不定式在句中作目的状语)

i want to come to your house to see your parents.

10. but somebody found them and g**e them back to him.


解析】give sth back to sb “把某物还给某人” =return sth to sb.

can you give back my key?(同义句)

can you

拓展】含back 的短语有:

go back 走回来 get back 回来 come back 回来。

11. a family of mice were in the kitchen on saturday morning. …

【解析】mouse (pl) mice “老鼠”

there are manymouse) in the old house.

12. father mouse shouted at the car…

解析】shout at 对。。。叫(含有气愤的意思)

show to 表示用喊声呼唤,一般不含感**彩。

don’t吼) !i can hear you.

) the young father was so angry that he shouted __his son in the room.

a. at b. to c. for d. with

规律总结】shout at 多指因为生气等而非善意地对某人吼叫。

shout to 多指因距离远而不得大声叫喊(否则对方无法听见)

13. the cat quickly ran away . 那只猫迅速逃跑了。

解析】run away “逃跑,跑掉“

run away from 从……逃出。


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