
发布 2023-02-28 01:47:28 阅读 2215

unit 1 can you play the guitar?







language points(语言点)


1)--can he/she paint/speak english?

--yes, he/she can./no, he/she can’t.

2) -what can you do?

--i can play the guitar.

3) -can you play it well?

--no, i can’t

(4) -what club do you want to join?

--i want to join the music club.


情态动词 can, can’t

动词 dance, swim, sing, paint, join

名词 art, music, guitar

动词词组 play chess, speak english, play the piano


重点:领悟本单元的新词汇和短语guitar, drum, make friends, be good with…ect,并会运用。

难点:情态动词 can 的用法,以及 like 和be good with等重点词汇的用法。

教学过程。warming up—

brainstorm:引导学生用 yes, i can\ no, i can’t 来回答,在脑中留下印象。

step 1 learn new words.

1. show pictures and learn the new words, then match them with the pictures.

2. use the new words to talk about your ability.

eg: i can sing, but i can’t dance.

-- can you swim?

--what can you do?

step 1. listen to the tape and number the conversations [1-3].

2. make new conversations.

step3. 2a&2b

1. listen to 2a and circle the clubs you hear.

2. listen again. complete the sentences

3.according to the listening, talk about lisa, bob and mary.

step 4. 2d

1. read the conversation and answer:

what club does bob want to join?

what club does jane want to join?

what can jane do?

new dialogue

step 5 exercise


1 唱歌2 跳舞。

3 游泳5 画画。

6 下棋7 弹吉他。

8 说英语9 擅长。

10 体育俱乐部10 故事演讲俱乐部。

语法练习。1、i can play the guitar(划线提问)

2、 she wants to join the music club (划线提问)

does she __to join ?

3、my mother can paint and swim.(变否定句)

my mother___paint __swim

4 你很擅长讲故事。

you __verystories.

5 你想加入什么俱乐部?

do you

6 我们想加入象棋俱乐部。

wethe chess club.

补全对话:d**id: what club __you want __join?

lisa: i __to join the chess __

d**id: can you __chess ?

lisa: no, i __

joe: i can .

step6 homework

1 read and remember the words and sentences.

2. make new conversation in groups.


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