
发布 2023-03-08 18:19:28 阅读 2307

七年级英语学科导学案no. 1

话题:personal information (个人信息):personal things个人物品。




1、默写以下短语(先在听写本上写上1-12短语的中文,并标上序号)(1) two tennis balls两个网球(2) three ping-pong bats三个乒乓球(3) play basketball打篮球(4) play football/ soccer踢足球(5) play volleyball打排球(6) play computer games玩电脑游戏(7) go to the same school上同一所学校(8) five baseball bats五个棒球拍(9) after class课后(10) watch sports on tv在电视上看运动(11) easy for me对我来说很容易(12) in the same school在同一所学校。

2、背诵话题作文my family

i h**e a happy family. there are four people in my family. they are myparents, my grandparents and me.

my father is a doctor. he likes playingbasketball. now he has 10 basketballs.

he doesn’t h**e any baseballs,but mother does. my mother is a teacher. she is tall and thin.

she likesreading books. i am a student. i like drawing pictures.

i love my family.


目标一:流利,大声,清楚朗读新概念英语lesson 6 percy buttons(组内先读,然后小组pk)

目标二:根据音标发音和拼写规律,记住短语,课后背诵准备下节课的反馈(1)my friend我的朋友(2) our classroom我们的教室(1)your erasers你的橡皮擦(4) his schoolbag他的书包(5) her jacket她的夹克(6) its name它的名字(7) their keys他们的钥匙。

8) tom’s and lucy’s motherstom的妈妈和lucy的妈妈(9)bob and john’s bedroombob和john(共有)的卧室(10) in the library在图书馆。

目标三:记住话题句型1-10, ,并找出规律,课后背诵准备下节课的反馈(1)is this yourpencil? yes, it mine.


2)is that his schoolbag?no, it isn’t. it is hers.那是他的书包吗?不,那是她的书包。

3)is this his dictionary?no, it is my dictionary. no, it is mine.

4)are these their notebooks?这些是他们的笔记吗?no, they aren’t.

they are ours.不,它们是我们的笔记本。(5)are those your keys?

no, they are tom’s.那些是你的钥匙吗?不,它们是汤姆的钥匙。

6)whosering is this?it’s james’.这是谁的戒指?

它是詹姆斯的戒指。(7)what’s your dog’s name?it’s name is lucky.


8)--this is your watch. i can’t find mine. where is mine?-


--oh, yours is on the desk. -哦,你的手表在桌子上。(9).

-who is that woman?--she is lucy and lily’s mother.那个妇女是谁?


10)--who are those two men? -they are frank’s and paul’s fathers(两个父亲)--那两个男人是谁?--他们是frank的父亲和paul的父亲。

注释:1)形容词性物主代词:my我的, our我们的, your你的,你们的, his他的, her她的, its它的, their他/它们的。

2)名词性物主代词:mine我的…, ours我们的…, yours你的…,你们的…, his他的…,hers她的…, its它的…, theirs…他/它们的。


1)名词性的物主代词mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its, theirs相当于形容词性的物主代词加一个___名词/动词/形容词);例如,“我的身份证”__id card

2) my, our, your, his, her, it’s, their这些形容词性物主代词,一般放在。

___词___前/后)面,做定语,修饰___词。名词性的物笔记及感悟主代词mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its, theirs单独使用,可以放在句子动词___前/后)做主语(例如yours is on the desk.);也可以放在动词前/后)做宾语(例如:

i can’t find mine.);或者放在be(is, am , are, was, were)之前/后)(例如:it is mine.



4)人名+and +人名’s单数/复数)名词表示。



1. paul brown is an american boy. he is 13 years old. he has a pet cat. _name

is mimi.

2. i h**e a sisterlikes playing volleyball. but this volleyball is mine.

__is under the bed.

3. frank lost his id found one in the hall(走廊) 也许)it was

4. -where is my eraser? -oh, look, _is over there(在那儿).

5. eric and bill are twins(孪生兄弟).they study in the same school.

look!that isschool. it is big and and i are in another(另一个) school.

__school is big and beautiful, too. butis alittle smaller than

6. this isbook because it has __name on it. bob lost it on theplayground yesterday.

7. that old man islinda和jane的)grandfather. those twowomen arejohn和eric的) grandmothers.


here is a lost and found board at green garden middle school.笔记及感悟lost (失去/失物)found(找到/招领)

my english book is lost. there is my name on the book. please call me at 557-9342.

--pauli found a notebook with the name of “ kevin clark”. myphone number is 324-7305.


i lost my id card. i am in class 3, grade 7. if you find it, please take it to my class or call me at860-5840.

---cindyifound a schoolbag on theplayground under a big tree. it’sblack. is it yours?

call me at980-4358.


i lost my keys in the gym. if you find them, please call me at 849-4609.

---tomi found a brown jacket in the library. i’m in class 4, grade 7. cometo my class to get it back.

---rose()1. paul lost his __

a. notebookb. english bookc.

math bookd. chinese book()2. if you found cindy’s id card, you can___

a. go to class 4, grade 7b. call cindy at 860-5840c.

call cindy at 849-4609d. put it on the playground

)3. who lost a notebook?a.

kevinb. lucyc. tomd.

billy()4. billy found a schoolbag __

a. in the libraryb. on a big treec.

on the playgroundd. in the gym()5. rose found a __jacket in the greenb redc blackd brown

语言知识补充:lose---lost丢失;find---found找到;look for寻找;“打**给….”call sb __**号码。

2.英语新概念英语lesson 6,用红笔在课文框出以下单词和短语,并标上意思。(1) h**e just moved to刚搬到(2) beggar乞丐。

3) knock at敲(4) ask me for向我要(5) meal餐,(一顿)饭(6)a glass of beer一杯啤酒(7) in return for作为回报(8) drink---drank喝(9) a piece of cheese一块奶酪(11)go(went) away走掉(13) told (tell) me about告诉我关于…(15)once a month一月一次。


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