
发布 2023-03-08 18:02:28 阅读 3267




1.a.yes, it isb. it’s my keyc. it’s under the chair.

2. a. it’s behind the dresser. b. it’s a bagc. yes, it is.

3. a. it’s my auntb. yes, she isc. yes, he is.

4. a. yes, i canb. no, it isn’tc. sorry, i’m not.

5. a. she is a teacher. b. she’s under the tree. c. she’s my teacher.


1.here is

a. my living room. b. my classroom c. a picture.

2. you can’t seein it.

a. a backpackb. a chair c. a table

3. the books are

a. in the backpack b. on the table c. under the table

4. the backpack is

a. on the table b. next to the table c. under the table

5. behind the plant is

a. a table b. a baseball c. a chair



1. 在地板上3. 在梳妆台下面3. 在门后面。

4. 一本数学书5. 在书柜里6.一个闹钟。

7. 录像带8. 吉姆的妈妈9. 我哥哥的朋友。


12. 一些东西13. 把你的相片到到学校来。


1. my钥匙)are on the table.

2在**)is the baseball?—i don't know.

3. my backpack is在……下面)the dresser.

4. please带来)your dictionary __school tomorrow.

5. do you know __知道) his photo number?

6. i __需要) these东西)

7. a computer is on the地板)

! my hat is under the椅子)


1. where’s ….it’s ….i don’t know

where’re ….they’re…./i don’t know

the pictures are on the wall. (对划线部分提问)

. is the cd on the sofa? (做肯定回答)

. are the chairs next to the table? (做否定回答)

. -where’s the cd? -sorry

a. i can b. i’m not c. it isn’t d. i don’t know

. -where is the football

a. it’s under the desk. b.

it’s in the pencil-box. c. it’s on the wall.

d. it’s big

my baseballs? they’re under the chair.

a.where b.where’s c.where’re d.where a

2. here’s/here’re….




1. is that your computer game __the lost and found case?

2. what’s that __english?

3. please call john __495-3593.

4. thanks __the great photo __your family.

5. the chair is __the floor.

6. look __the picture. where is the ball?

7. please take these things __your brother.

8. my tv is __the desk.

9. my baseball isn’t __the bed, it’s __it.

10. the chair isthe sofa.


bring “带来、拿来”,它的反义词是take “拿到、带到”,它们都与介词to搭配。

△take … to 表示“把某物或某人带到某场所去”。take具有很强的方向性,强调带到另一场所去,而不是带到说话人的地方来。

如:please __these things __your brother. 请把这些东西带给你弟弟。

△bring … 与take正好相反,bring … to表示即带来,而不是带走。

can you __some things __school, mummy?妈妈,你能带些东西到学校来吗。


注:take和bring后所接的场所若是 there,here,home等副词,to则要省去。如:

___your bike把你的自行车拿到那儿去。

___your pen home.把你的钢笔带回来。

---can you (bring /take)it to me? -ok, see you later.

can you ( bring /take) all these things to your brother?

.i need to take the video tape back __the store after school. a. for b.

of c. at d. to

. pleasethis key to your sister. she is at school.

a. bring b. brings c. take d. to take

. sally. i need my dictionary. can you

a. bring me it b. take me it c. bring it to me d. take it to me

三)there is/are+ 某人或某物+表示地点,这一句型相当于中文里“某地有某人(某物)”的意思,句中的be用is还是are取决于后面的名词是单数还是复数,是可数还是不可数。名词是单数或不可数用is,名词是复数就用are。如:

there __an eraser on the floor.

there___some broccoli in the bag.

四). some,any的用法。


(1)i h**e __science books.

2)is there __orange in the bottle? yes, there is.


单选。1this a bag? -yes


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