
发布 2023-03-07 17:21:28 阅读 4618

1. 写作任务:下星期六是你的13岁生日。


2. 要求:(1)发挥想象,表达准确;(2)不少于50词。

3. 习作正文:

dear michael,

next saturday is my birthday. i know you are coming to my birthday party. i am very glad.

let me tell you the way to my house. you can take no. 2 bus to the people's park.

then you go along the bridge street to the end and turn left. you are on the green street. walk on and you can see a big building on the right.

it's a bank. my house is just across from the bank. it is next to a market.

there are two big trees in front of my house. you can see it easily.

please come to my party early.


li lei

4. 教师指导:

a. 本单元的写作指导:

在本单元中,我们学习了有关建筑物的名称及表示方位的介词词汇,以及there be句型。本单元的学习任务要求我们能准确运用表示方位的介词及短语描述物品或建筑物的位置,并将所学应用到生活中去,如用于问路和指路。参考以上的学习内容来看,我们能写作的文章可以是问路的对话,可以是介绍物品的位置,介绍各个建筑物的方位,介绍家里各个房间的方位,室内物品的摆放,介绍旅游景点的文章,也可以是介绍学校里的各个建筑物的方位的文章。




重点词语:clean, dirty, new, old, quiet, busy, big, small, library, bank, supermarket, center, bridge, park, post office, restaurant, street, hotel, pay phone, left, right, across from, next to, at, in, on, behind, through, in front of, between...and ..


好句待用:-- is there a hospital near here?

-- yes, there is. it's on center street.

the pay phone is across from / next to / in front of / behind the library.

the pay phone is between the post office and the library.

the pay phone is on green street.

just go straight and turn left. it's down bridge street on the right.

-- thank you very much.

-- you're welcome.

welcome to the garden district.

let me tell you the way to my house.

b. 本体裁的写作指导:





5. 对比写作:

dear michael,

i am glad you are coming to my birthday party next saturday. let me tell you the way to my house. you can take no.

2 bus to the people's park. then you go along the bridge street to the end and turn left. you are on the green street.

walk on and you can see a big building on the right. it's a bank. my house is just across from the bank.

it is next to a market. there are two big trees in front of my house.

welcome to my house. please come to my party early.


li lei

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人教版七年级语文下册第二单元《写作 学习抒情》教学设计

二单元 学习抒情 教学设计。教材分析 抒情,即表达情思,抒发情感。在写作中,恰当地抒发自己的真情实感,能增强文章的感染力,深化文章主题。学情分析 七年级下学期,经过半年多的写作训练,学生在情感的抒发上,存在情感单薄支撑不起主旨或者抒情过度 情感不真实的问题。主要是因为不会选择和运用恰当的抒情方式,做...

人教版七年级语文下册第二单元《写作 学习抒情》教学设计

教科书分析 1.语文课程标准 要求学生在写作时 考虑不同的目的和对象,根据表达的需要,围绕表达中心,选择恰当的表达方式 文章最重要的特质就是以情动人,抒情是写作中一种很重要的表达方式。但是抒情比较抽象,而且常常和其他表达方式结合在一起,学生很难把握。因此,要 结合本单元学习的课文,引导学生了解两种抒...