
发布 2023-03-02 04:20:28 阅读 9940





1. -can you s___your name?--yes.

t-o-m, tom.2. -what’s your name, pmy name is julia.

3. -w __this in english?--it’s a pen.

4. this is my e___book.

5. tim is n___here(这里). he is there(那里).二。选择填空。

) 1. this is __case. that’ s___a; an b.

an; an c. a; a d. an; a() 2.

-howyou spell pen?--p-e-n, is b. am c.

do d. are

) 3. please call jenny536- in b. to c.

on d. at() 4sonia. is this your dictionary?

a. sorry b. yes c.

thank you d. no

) 5you kate? -yes, ia. are; am b. are; is c. is; are d. is; am

三。根据汉语意思,完成下列句子英译,每空一词。1. -这是什么?--是一把椅子。


what’s that

3. -这是一个苹果吗?--不,不是an apple

4. -你的**号码是多少?--6678954your telephoneit’s 6678954.


is that your bag in thecase?四。按要求改写下列各句,每空一词。

1. this is a book. (对划线部分提问2.

it is an apple. (改为否定句)itan apple.3.

is it a pen?(改为陈述句a pen.4.

that’s a box. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

a box5. i can spell that. (改为一般疑问句spell that?五。将下列单词连成句子。(注意标点符号及字母的大、小写)

金戈铁骑。1. your, bag, this, is

2. call, 685-6034, please, mike, at3. is, that, english, a, in, desk4.

that, is, what, look5. that, not, her, is, baseballvii.从ii栏中找出与i栏相对应的答语。

iii() 1. what’s that in english?a.

thank you.()2. is this your backpack?

b. ok.()3.

how do you spell that?c. yes, it is.

) 4. please call me at it’s a school id card.()5. how do you do?e. goodbye!

) 6. good afternoon!f.

good afternoon!()7. goodbye!

g. yes, i am.()8.

sit down, please!h. p-e-n, pen.

()9. this is li how do you do?

) 10. are you wei fang?j. nice to meet you, li lei.六。阅读理解。

tim, sonia, jim, tina, jenny and ann are in the classroom. they find(发现) a pencil-box, a ruler,a pencil and a notebook on the desk. tim asks sonia,“is this your pencil?

”sonia answers,“yes,it is. thank you.”tim asks again,“hi, jim!

is this your ruler? “jim answers, “no, it isn’t. it’stina’s ruler.

” is this your notebook, jenny?” asks tim. “yes, it is,” answers jenny.

” ann, is thisyour pencil-box?” asks tim. “yes, it is.

thank you.” answers ann.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(t)、误(f)。

) 1. tim, sonia, jim, tina, jenny and ann are at home.

) 2. they find a notebook, a pencil, a ruler and a pencil-box on the desk.()3.

the pencil is sonia’s.()4. the ruler is tim’s.

()5. the notebook is jenny’s.



li leilin taoli leilin taoli leilin taoli lei参***:

一。 1. spell 2.

please 3. how 4. english 5.

not二。 1-5 acdaa三。 1.

what’s this; it’s a 2. in english 3. is this; no, it isn’t 4.

what’s, number 5. lost and found四。 1.

what is this 2. is not 3. it is 4.

is that; yes, it is 5. can you

五。 1. is this your bag 2. please call mike on 685-6034 3. that is a desk in english

金戈铁骑。4. look!

what is that 5. that is not her baseball六。 1-5 dchbi 6-10 feajg七。

1-5 fttft

ix. li lei: hello!lin tao: hello!

li lei: what’s this in english?lin tao: it’s a book.

li lei: how do you spell it?lin tao: b-o-o-k, lei: thank you.


人教版语文第二单元综合练习 七年级下 含答案

一 基础知识积累。1.给下列黑体字注音。哺育 山巅 浩荡 浊流 崎岖 逼狭 阻抑 断崖 2.给下面多音字注音并组词。曲膀难奇。3.给下面形近字注音并组词。澜障峻厉。谰嶂竣历。4.解释下面词语。狂澜 婉转 一泻万丈 澎湃 回环曲折 险峻 境界 二 阅读拓展。1.阅读下面的文字,完成题目。清晨我漫步在山...


七年级英语 上 单元作业题 二 units 3 4 班级姓名分数 选择填空 每小题1分,共20分 a 从下列每组单词中选出一个划线部分的读音与其它两个不同的选项。1 a daleb namec father 2 a thisb nicec fine 3 a hellob dogc go 4 a he...


unit 2 is this your pencil?section a 一 教师寄语 yes,i can.是的,我能 二 学习目标。knowledge aims 知识目标 key words 重点词汇 this,pen,pencil,book,eraser,ruler,backpack,dicti...