
发布 2023-02-27 18:15:28 阅读 7152

unit1 section b2


1. “给某人拨打…号2. 和某人相处的好3.擅长于。


7.教某人语文8. 和某人玩9.跟某人交朋友。

10. 跟某人交谈11.英语国家的学生12. 在周末。



1. we want to help the old __人们) in the street.

2. jim can play soccer and __也) can play volleyball.

3. i can’t sing but i can play the __小提琴).

4. my sister wants to be a teacher to __教) english at school.

5. our school is in the __中心) of the city.

6.let's go to see the old people at the old people's家).

7.what do you usually do on the周末)?


wants to be a great m

like children and i want to tmusic at school.

like sports and can a___play the piano.

you come to my h___after school?

want some students for the school s

iv. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. are you ateach)?

wants to makefriend) with me.

can swim. he often helps meswim).

you help us withdance)?

need some musicianshelp) kids.

you good attell) stories?

is busycook) in the kitchen.

8.do you want to make anyfriend) here?

9. teachesthey) english.

10.his uncle is a greatmusic)


)1. my brother can’t singplay the guitar.

a. and b. or c. but d. only

)2. can you help methe books to my bedroom?

a. take b. takes c. taking d. took

)3. please call me __8989766.

a. at b. about c. on d. with

)4. we don't h**e___time. but there are___clothes to wash(洗).

a. much; much b. much; many c. many; much d. many; many

)5 .—are you good __swimming? —yes, and i think i can help kids __it.

a. with; in b. with; with c. at; with

)6. he wants __the english cluba. to join b. to be c. be in

)7. our school show is __6:00 pm __the weekend.

on b. on, in c. in, at d. on, at

)8. bill can play __violin but he can’t play __chess.

不填 b. the, the c. 不填, the d. a, 不填。

)9. my sister likes playing the guitar, _she can’t play well.

a. or b. and c. but d. so

) brother doesn’t like playing basketball __watching tv.

a. andb. butc. or

) you help me __my english?

a. withb. ofc. learningd. about

)12.—can you paint or sing

a. yes, i can b. no, i can’t can sing like singing


can play the violin.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

___she __the violin? —yes, she___

brother can play basketball.(就画线部分提问)

his brother

can sing and dance.(改为否定句)

she __sing __dance.

brother also likes swimming.(改为同义句)

my brotherswimming

likes music.(改为否定句)




can youwith me?


you canyour parents.


my motherveryevery day.


___you goodold people?


___you helpmy english?


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