
发布 2023-02-27 14:54:28 阅读 6729

there is a small house with an interesting garden.

bridge street is a good place to h**e fun.

the second period

step 1: revision

revise the words of 1a using the following pictures.


step 2: presentation

1. teach these words using the pictures:

across from, next to, between…and, on

2. help them make sentences with these words.

the hotel is across from the bank.

the cinema is between the hotel and the library.

video arcade is next to the supermarket.

step 3: practice

1. section 2a reading

get the students to read the sentences in the box first. then match each sentence with one of the pictures.

2. section a 2b listening and understanding

first read the words in the box together.

play the recording twice for the students to write down the words they hear.

play again, let the class know these conversations:

---where is …?

---it is …

---is there a …?

---yes, …

1. section a 2c oral practice

let the students look at the picture of page 1.

ask and answer in pairs (or in a t-s way)

then ask several students to repeat some of their conversations for the class.

step 4 homework

1. copy and master the sentences in 2b.

2. finish sentences in 2b

step 5 classwork

1. choose the best answer:

1). my best friend sits next __me.

a. to b. on c. in d. beside

2). is __a bank near the library?

a. h**e b. there c. has d. there

3). is there a bike in the supermarket

a. yes, it is b. no, it isn’t c. yes, there isn’t d. yes, there is

2. translation:

1). 附近有一个公园吗?是的,在旅馆和邮局之间有一个。

2). 公用**在**?在学校的对边。

unit 4 i want to be an actor.



词汇:doctor, actor, reporter, police office, waiter, band clerk, sales assistant, student, dangerous, boring, interesting, difficult, exciting, busy, fun

句式:what does he do? he’s a waiter.

what do you want to be? i want to be an actor.

where does she work? she works at a bank.


1. 能够谈论工作种类及地点。

2. 能够介绍他人及自己目前的工作。

3. 能够表达自己将来想从事的职业并陈述原因。




the first period

step 1 lead-in

利用教材第一页的图画,组织学生讨论图中人物所从事的职业,完成1a部分练习。指导学生运用she/he is a/an …句型进行表达。

step 2. listening

1. pre-listening

向学生指出图中三个不同职业的人物,提出问题: what does he/she do?

帮助学生回答: he/she is a/an ……

2. while-listening


3. post-listening


step 3. practice


step 4 listening

1. pre-listening


what is he/she doing?

what does he/she do? /what’s his/her job?

2. while-listening


3. post-listening


step 5 listening

1. pre-listening

通过上一步呈现的听力材料,向学生解释“wants to be”,进一步熟练掌握对话内容。

2. while-listening


3. 确定正确答案。

step 6 practice

1. 带领学生朗读2c部分对话,直至能熟练掌握下来。

2. 根据2b部分**,两人一组进行问答。


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