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unit 1随堂练习。

section a要求学生掌握并区分国家、语言、城市的表达;会使用句型be from。section b里学生应掌握如何make pen pals。

section a

i. 选择最佳答案。

a) 国家、城市、语言对对碰:

1come from

a. canada; canadian b. japaneses; japan c. canadians; canada d. japan; japanese

2is the capital ofthey speak

a. sydney; australia; australian b. paris; france; french

c. london; england; french d. toronto; the united states; english

b) 情景交际题:

3. —where are you from

a. sorry b. excuse me c. i’m doing my homework d. i’m from the united states

4. —are you from america

a. no, i’m from the usa b. no, i don’t

c. no, i come from australia d. no, i come from the usa

5. —how do you like singapore

a. very much b. you’re welcome c. that’s all right d. thanks a lot

ii. 根据括号中所给单词的提示完成下列句子。

1. his pen pals __from singapore. (be)

2. my grandmothe___in hangzhou. (live)

3. they are from __they speak___china)

4. many boys __physics. (not like)

5. —are you from england?—no, i’m fromand i speakjapan)

iii. 用say, speak或talk的适当形式填空。

1. sally___i like english.”

2. i want to___with your parents about your schoolwork.

3. does your pen palchinese well?

4. they likeabout clothes.

5. may ito jack, please?

iv. 用适当的介词填空。

1. —where is london?—it’sthe united kingdom.

2. she livesbeijingher parents.

3. where’s mary

4. please say itjapanese.

5. he got an e-mailhis new pen pal.

v. 按括号中的要求完成下列句子,每空一词(含缩写)。

1. paul comes from canada. (改为一般疑问句paulcanada?

2. tom speaks french. (改为否定句)tomfrench.

3. my pen pal is from america. (对划线部分提问your pen pal from?

4. her brother speaks french. (同上her brother

5. bob wants a pen pal. (同上bob

section b

i. 选用横线中所给词的适当形式填空。

city, soon, country, dance, subject

1. toronto is a very beautiful

2. how manyare there in the world?

3. my f**oriteat school is music.

4. can you write to me

5. ann likes singing anda lot.

ii. 从所给词汇中选择恰当的词,完成句子。

little, a little]

1. i knowjapanese, but i can speakenglish. i like english.

2. —does mr smith speak chinese?—only

3. there is veryrice at home. can you help me buy some today?

some, any]

4. sally haspencils, but she doesn’t h**epens.

5. do you h**ebooks about her?

6. can you give mewater?

iii. 根据所给单词及标点符号写句子。

1. like, not, sister, does, his,math

2. november, in, is, your,birthday

3. f**orite, my, is, sport .soccer

4. like, going, on, you, to, the, weekends,movies, do

5. beautiful, a, i, think, country, is ,canada

unit 2 随堂练习。

section a,问路及给人指路; section b,能更详细地对你所住的街区及城市交通做出指引,为你远方想来探访的朋友做出行程指南。

section a

i. 请根据句意,补全下面各句。

1. i want to buy some food and drinks, i need to find a

2. we can post a letter in a

3. usually we h**e great dessert in a big

4. we can read and borrow(借)some books in the

5. on sundays my parents often go to the___to relax. there are many flowers.

ii. 请根据句意,选择恰当的介词填空。

on, across, next, between, in front of, behind

1. xiangyang middle chool isthe bank and the market.

2. it is a new bridge. it isfrom my office.

3. do you want to find a phone? there is one___to the nanjing hotel.

4. hall’s restaurant is notcenter street. it’sthe park.

iii. 请将左栏的地点和右栏相应的活动连线。

1. post officea. do morning exercises

2. libraryb. post letters

3. restaurantc. read books

4. supermarketd. h**e dinner

5. parke. buy something

iv. tom正向警察叔叔询问最近的一家银行在**,请补全以下对话。

a: excuse me ,1 ?

b: yes, there is.

a: 2b: just 3and turn right . the bank is on your left.

a: 4b: you are 5


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