
发布 2023-02-22 06:33:28 阅读 1237


出卷学校:羔羊初**卷人 :徐天丽审核人 :朱凤霞。

听力部分 (20 分)


)1. what can lingling do ?

a. b. c.

)2. how much is tony’s bike ?

abc. )3. when are they going to meet ?

abc. )4. what will the weather be like tomorrow ?

abc. )5. what does the man want to buy ?



)6. where was sam born ?

a. australiab. chinac. england.

)7. was lily born in 2000 ?

a. yesb. noc. i don’t know.


)8. where are they ?

a. in a bookshopb. at homec. in the market.

)9. how much are the bananas?

a. 10 yuan/kilob. 20 yuan/kilo. c. 25 yuan/kilo.

)10. how much will the woman pay for the strawberries?

a. 10 yuanb. 15 yuanc. 30 yuan.


( )11. a. bob green b. bill smith c. bob smith

( )12. a. a bagb. a walletc. a watch

( )13. greenb. bluec. brown

( )14. a. an id card b. some money c. both a and b

( )15. a. 5377498b. 5374498c. 5777498




)16book on the desk is mine. it’s __story book.

a. a; the b. the ; a c. the; the d. a; a

)17.-do you like australia

yes, i like it very much, especially (尤其。

a. the big benb. the sydney opera house

c. the great walld. the london eye

)18---who’s in the office ?

---mr smith is . hea report .

a. is writing b. write c. writes d. wrote

)19. -do you h**e pocket money? -yes, but only

a. few b. a few c. little d. a little

)20. -excuse me. is thiscrayon?

---no, that one is __

a. my; your b. my; yours c. mine; yours d. your; my

)21.—will they send their homework __the teacher __email?

yes, they will.

a. to; by b. at; with c. for; by d. by; to

) arepeople in the park.

a. two hundredsb . two hundreds of

c. hundred ofd. hundreds of

)23did you spend on this book? -ten yuan.

a. how many b. how far c. how much d. how long

)24. .he sat down to h**e a break___he was tired.

a. sob. because c. ord. and

)25. -where is your brother?

---he is in beijing. heback in three days.

a. will come b. comes c. has come d. came

)26. mary sings very __but she isn’t __at dancing.

a. good; well b. well; good c. good; good d. well; well

)27. my sister can __very well, so she wants to join the __club.

a. swims; swimmingb. swim; swimming

c. swimming; swimd. swimming; swimming

)28you happy at your first school?

yes, i __

a. are; was b. was; was c. were; were d. were; was

)29. may day is coming. daming is looking forward to __a picnic.

a. h**eb. has c. h**ing d. to h**e

)30. -i don’t know how to send an email

a. i’m so sorryb. let me help you .

c. you aren’t cleverd. i won’t help you.



my friend tony is an american 31 . he is ten years old. he lives with his family in china now.

they plan _32_ here for three years. there are 33 people in his family: his mother mrs green, his father mr.

green and his little sister amy. he has a white cat. 34 name is betty.

look, amy is playing 35 betty. his father, mr. green, is watching tv.

his mother is doing housework. what about tony? he is doing 36 chinese homework.

he can't 37 chinese well, but he likes chinese very much. tony's 38 works in a tv station. his father works in a school as an 39 teacher.

tony and his sister 40 to the same school.

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