
发布 2021-03-02 21:35:28 阅读 7415


i卷ⅰ 听力部分(20分)

一. 听力部分,本题共分三小节,第。





abc. 第二节.听对话,回答问题。(每小题一分,共5分)


)6. what's jenny’s brother’s name?

a. jackb. bobc. paul

7. who is the boy in the phone?

a. jenny’s brother b. jenny’s cousin c. the boy’s cousin


) 8. what’s the boy’s aunt’s name?

a. maryb. ginac. linda

) 9. what’s the boy’s father’s name?

a. alanb. mikec. bill

) 10. who is bill?

a. the boy’s uncle. b. the boy’s brother c. the boy’s cousin.


)11. what color is eric’s id card?

a. whiteb. brownc. purple

12. what’s eric’s telephone number?

a. 863-1592 b. 866-1538 c. 861-6538

) 13. who is eric’s friend?

a. annb. jennyc. linda

) 14. what’s the last name on the blue card?

a. smithb. brownc. green

) 15. what’s the phone number on the blue card?

a. 652-6471 b. 652-0471 c. 659-6471

卷ⅱ 笔试部分(80分)



)16、与r相邻的字母是 .

a. p, sb. q, s c. h, jd. q, t

)17、下面属于元音字母的是 .

a. cb. hc. fd. e

)18、下列各项中含有 / i: /发音的一项是 .

a. aab .iic. ppd. hh


a. what’s it? b. how are you?

c. it’s a map. d. spell it!

) 20.this is __orange and that is __ruler.

a. a, anb. an; a c. a; a d. /a

)21your name, pleasename is gina smith.

a. what, ib. what’s, your c. what’s, my d. what, my

( )22. my english teacher’s name is bruce white. so we all call him___

a. miss bruceb. mr. bruce c. mr. white d. sir bruce.

( )23it’s a red notebook.

a. what’s this in english?

b. how do you spell it?

c. what color is it?

d. is this a red notebook?

( )24.-what’s your telephone number?

a.i’m b.itc. it’sd.what’s

)25. mum, this isteachername is li hui.

a. your, my b. his, your c. you, his d. my, his


hello, my name is jenny brown. i am an english girl. jenny is my __26__ name.

and brown is my family name. i h**e a ball. what color is it?

it’s __27___it’s __28___orange ball. this is my friend. _29___name is mike.

he is 12 years __30___mike has __31___rulers. one is red and the other is green. his __32___number is 0575- 8223516.

ms. miller is our english teacher. this is her id __33__.

what’s __34___telephone number ? 35___130***

)26.a.first b.last c.middle d.family

)27.a.green b.red c.orange d.white

)28.a.× b.the c.ad.an

)29.a.my b.his c.her d.your

)30.a.young b.old c.big d.small

)31.a.one b.two c.three d.four

)32.a.phone b.id card c.qq d.room

)33.a.pen b.book c.card d.bag

)34.a.his b.her c.myd.your

)35.a.it’s b.its c.it d.its


七年级语文 上 期中答题卷

2014 2015学年上学期期中教学质量检测。一 积累与运用 40分 7 默写 12分 8 仿写 3分 二 阅读理解 40分 一 课内文言阅读。9 10.5分 20.5分 30.5分 40.5分 10 2分12 2分 12 4分 a b 13 2分 友人 元芳 14 2分 二 现代文阅读 15分 1...


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