
发布 2023-02-22 00:56:28 阅读 6783


1. 情态动词can小结:后面总是接动词原形,没有人称和数的变化。意思是“能,会”。



2. play的用法小结: play与体育、棋类词语连用时,不加定冠词the, eg: play basketball, play chess,

play与乐器类词语连用时要加定冠词the, eg: play the guitar,play the piano



1. can youenglisha. speak b. talk c. say

2. can hebasketballa. play b. plays c. playing

3. my brother want __the chess club. a. join b. to join c. joins

4. mary can play the chess___she can't swima. and b. or c. but

5. his brother plays __piano every dayab. a c. the





. 补全对话。

a. can you唱歌b. yes, ican you游泳)?

a. no, i want to join象棋俱乐部). b. i don't like象棋)

a. what club do you want tob. i want to join游泳俱乐部)

快乐链接】 英汉对对碰:match each word with the right chinese meaning.



1. my sister is good __math, she is great. a. in b. at c. to

2. bob __to join the art cluba. want b. wants to c. wants


1. john wants to j___the music club. 2. can you s___english?

3. i can play the guitar but can’t play the p___


1. want, join, the, club, to, music, i

2. i, play, the, can’t, guitar

3. club, you, do , want, join, to, what


a: good morningb: yes, i want to join the chess club.

a: goodb: d**id.

ab: i’m twelve.

ab: my telephone number is 435-201.

ab: yes, a little.

a: here is a card, please fill it out. b: thank you. a: you’re welcome.



1. we want studentsthe school show.

a. tob. for c .on

2. -can you play volleyball?

---sorry, i

a. don’t b. can c. can’t

3. -can you singyes, i can sing very

a. good b. well c. nice

4. kate wants __the english club.

a. to join b. join c. to

5. -can your brother sing

a. yes, i can. b. no, you can’t. c. yes, he can.


1. 讲故事2.踢足球。

3. 放学后4. 与…交谈。

5. 说汉语6.想要做某事。


1. 你会跳舞吗? 是的,我会。

2. 我会弹吉他。

3. —你想加入什么俱乐部。


4. —你会下象棋吗? —不,我不会。



1. bob can play___basketball but can't play___violin. a. the, the b. the, /c. /the

2. can he __it in englisha. speakb. speaks c. say

3. i like __club. a. musicb. the music’s c. the music

4. tom wants to join __club. a. dancing b. the danceing c. the dancing

5. he___to join the music cluba. don’t want b. doesn’t wants c. would like

6. -are they good atyes, they are. a. swim b. to swim c. swimming


1. can you play the v2. he can dand sing.

3. i want to join the art c4. does he play the pevery day?

5. he can pthe drums.


1. 你会唱歌吗? 是的,我会。

2. 我不会弹钢琴,但是我会跳舞。


会下象棋吗? 不,不会。她会拉小提琴。


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