
发布 2023-02-15 01:59:28 阅读 1148



一。 填入下列字母的左邻右舍。(10分)



elephant elepant heppo hippo

china chine the warriers the warriors


1. how he**y is the elephant? it’s 5___tons meters).

2sharks whales) are the biggest animals in the world.

___chinese american) flag is red, white and blue.

pyramid is in __egypt spain).

are___birds insects).

四。 从四个选项中选出不同类的一项。(5分)

)1. a. east b. west c. south d、in

)2. a. oceania b. africa c. the uk d、asia

)3. a. shark b. grape c. zebra d、koala

)4. a. centimeter b. ton c. meter d、kilometer

)5. a. mexico b. the usa c. spain d、chinese

五。 在地图上标出各个大洲的正确位置。(6分)

1. africa america america


ab ) 1. what is tibet famous for? a. they speak english.

) 2. where is guangzhoub. it’s famous for the potala palace.

) 3. what language do people speak there? c. it’s 2.

) 4. what kind of animal are crocodiles? d. they are reptiles.

) 5. how old is the ostriche. it’s in guangdong province.

七。 根据情景选择句子,将答案的标号填入括号内。(15)

)1. 当你想知道橡皮放在哪儿时,问:

a. where is the eraser?

b. where is the pen?

c. where is it from?

)2. 当你想知道新电视机的颜色时,问:

a. where is the new tv?

b. what’s a tv?

c. what colour is the new tv?

)3. 当你要了解别人是否喜欢游泳时,问:

a. do you like swimming?

b. do you like running?

c. do you like pingpong?

)4. 当你要知道莫斯科在哪儿时,问:

a. where is moscow?

b. where is cairo?

c. where is toronto?


a. what kind of animal are lions?

b. what animals did you see at animal world?

c. how many lions are there in the zoo?


)1. 1.__would you like to go this vacation?

a. what b. where c. who

) capital(首都) of japan is

a. sydney b. tokyo c. paris

) is famous___the warriors.

a. to b. about c. for

) kind __animal are penguins? they’re birds.

a. of b. at c. off

) 5.__are the biggest and he**iest animals in the world.

a. whales b. elephants c. lions

) are __but they can’t fly.

a. birds b. mammals c .reptiles

)7. people in france speak

a. japanese b. french c. english

)8.__is an insect.

a. crocodile b. monkey c. butterfly

) can see __in the reptile world.

a. lizards b. ostriches c. tigers

) am __china.

a. from b. come from c. be from

九、阅读短文,判断正(t),误 ( f )。15分)

amy is my best friend. she’s a nice girl. she’s ten.

she’s tall and quiet. she has long hair and a small mouth. she has big eyes and a small nose.

she likes music, computer games and painting. she likes books, too. she has fifty story-books.

she is a good student. i like her very much.

)1. amy is my sister.

)2. amy is not quiet.

)3. amy has 15 story-books.

)4. amy likes painting and books.

)5. amy has long hair and a small nose.

hello! my name is tom. i like english very much..

my f**ourite food is beef, eggplant and tofu. i’m very helpful. i can do the dishes, set the table and water the flowers.

today is saturday. i often read books, do my homework and watch tv on saturdays. what do you do on weekends?

my home is near a river, there are some mountains behind my house. there is a road in front of my house, you can see two bridges over it .welcome to my home .

) 1. tom likes beef ,eggplant and tofu.

) 2. tom can sweep the floor.

) 3. tom often water the flowers on saturdays.

) 4. there are some mountains in front of tom’s house.

) 5. there are two bridges over the river.

d**id is from australia. but he is in china now. he lives in beijing.

he is eight years old. he is a good student. he has lots of hobbies.

he likes collecting stamps. he often shows them to his classmates. d**id also likes playing chess, watching cartoons and playing football.

he often watches cartoons with his sister. sometimes he plays chess with his father. d**id likes football very much.

after school, he usually plays football with his classmates in the playground.

) 1. d**id is an english boy.

) 2. d**id lives in beijing now.

) 3. d**id doesn’t like collecting stamps.

) 4. d**id often plays chess with his sister.

) 5. d**id often plays basketball with his classmates.


七一青城山学校2018 2019学年度下期。六年级英语期中测试题。班级姓名总分 听力部分 30分 一 看图听音,选出你所听到的选项。10分 1.ab.2.ab.3.ab.4.ab.5.ab.6.ab.7.ab.8.ab.9.ab.10.ab.二 看图听音,标序号。5分 三 听录音,看一看,连一连。5...


四年级100词竞赛 1邀请卡。2蜡笔 3剪刀 4钢笔 5胶水 6纸 7聚会。8准备好 9画。10剪 切 11粘贴 12写 写字 13首先 第一。14其次。15然后 于是。16最后。17用 18练习。19.运动。20.比赛 竞赛。21 慢跑。22徒步旅行。23 网球。24自行车赛。25 曲棍球。26棒...


英语小学六年级毕业试卷。class grade name marks 一 填入所缺字母,将单词补充完整。10分 1.pict res t end ng 8.on y 10.aid 二 按要求填空。12分 1 doesn t 完全形式2 thin 反义词。3 do 过去式4 eye 同音词。5 she...