
发布 2020-08-16 09:10:28 阅读 6765






)1. ab.

)2. ab.

)3. ab.

)4. ab.

)5. ab.

)6. ab.

)7. ab.

)8. ab.

)9. ab.

( )10. ab.






) i want to go to hangzhou.

)i want to row a boat on west lake and take photos.

)tom, where do you want to go this summer vacation?

)yeah! let’s go together.

)great. what do you want to do there?




)1. 吃海鲜2. 在这个暑假。

)3. 乘地铁4. 在银行对面。

)5. 在附近6. 参观莫高窟。


)1. a. the great wall seafood c. row a boat

)2. a. turn left b. go straight c. next to

) between b. post office c. restaurant

)4. a. west lake b. take photos mogao c**es

)5. a. sports centre b. post office c. see a film


want to go to want to swim in the sea.

near here. you can go there on foot. there is.

between the hotel and the restaurant.

) me. is there a hotel in the neighbourhood?

) can i get to the cinema?

) me. where is the bank?

) do you want to go?

) do you want to do there?


a. in the hotel b. toy shop c. turn left

d. see the film e. take a bus

ben is tr**elling in a new city. in the evening, he wants to see the film toys. he asks a waiter 1where can i see toys?

” the waiter says, “you can 2. from here and get off at the next stop.

ben gets there, but he only sees a 3he asks a policeman, “excuse me. i want to 4toys. how can i get to the cinema?

” the policeman says, “5at the crossroads. it’s on your right,

between a sports centre and a bank.”


)it’s on orange street. it’s between a restaurant and a hotel.

)thank you. goodbye!

)you can take a bus. the bus stop is near the crossroad.

)excuse me. where is the city museum?

)how can i get there?


i’m jack. i’m very happy every holiday. i usually go to the library.

sometimes i go to the park. the library is not far. i usually go there on foot.

i walk straight for fifteen minutes. then i turn left. and the library is on the right.

the park is very far. i often get there by the no.206 bus.

i get off at the post office. it’s near the post office.

)1. i h**e a lot of fun every weekend.

)2. i usually go to the library on foot.


)3. i usually go to the park on holidays.

)4. i often go to the park by bus.

)5. the park is near the post office.


hello! i’m zhou ming. i’m from china.

there are many fun places to see and things to do in china. my family all love tr**elling. we h**e many plans for vacation.

my mother wants to take me to harbin by car. w can ski there. my father wants to take me to sanya by ship.

we can swim in the sea. my grandmother wants to take me to visit the mogao c**es in dunhuang. my grandfather wants to take me to hangzhou by train.

we can row a boat on west lake. but i want to go to shanghai by plane. i can see a film in disneyland.

that must be very interesting.



2017 2018学年度下学期。人教版英语六年级下册备课。铁西小学。于涵。unit1单元教学目标。内容 人民教育出版社 一起点 六年级下册 unit1 语言技能目标。第一层次 1.通过听 说 读 写等形式的语言活动,帮助学生复习以前所学话题的重点词汇和功能句,引导学生综合运用所学语言知识和技能进行交...


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