
发布 2020-07-23 06:21:28 阅读 7926




1. pict_res _ t _ end

_ng 8. on_y 10. _aid


1) doesn’t(完全形式2) thin(反义词。

3) do(过去式4) eye(同音词。

5) sheep(复数)sheep6) run(现在分词___

7) sea(同音词8) go(过去式) _

9) knife(复数10) september(缩写形式。

11) was not(缩写形式12)write(过去式。


1. take a shower ( class (

the dishes ( to tv (


1. (wouldyoulike___coffee?


2. (whatdidyoudoyesterday?

-i __ping-pong.

3. (whatareyoudoing?


4. (what do you want to do?

-i want to __my homework.

5( )thereareseven___in a week.

6. (do you like fast food?

no, i . what you?

about do about

7. (how___booksdoyouwant?

-i wantthree.

8. (dannyisdrawinga plane___thepicture.

9. (she has a bad cold. she should a doctor.

10.( does daming like bananas?

yes, he _.

c. do d. did


介词:in / on / at / with / by 冠词: a / an / the )

1. look these pictures.

2. i go to school bike.

3. in winter, we play snow.

4. we live lanzhou.

5. i was born october 1st.

is teacher’s desk in the classroom.

6. sarah has orange skirt.

is first day of the week.


)1. who do you look likea. don’t worry. i’ll help you.

)2. oh dear! my bike is broken. b. here you are.

)3. i’d like a glass of milk, please. c. i look like my mother.

)4. h**e some water, please. d. yes, it is.

)5. is it your pencile. thanks a lot.


1. he was born on august 12th , 1994 . 对画线部分提问)

was he born?

bird is on the tree. (对画线部分提问)

on the tree?

3. i usually get up at 6:00 . 对画线部分提问)

you usually get up ?

you like watermelons?(做出肯定的回答)

's the weather like today? (用“sun”的正确形式做出回答)

it’s6. my name is lucy.(写出同义句)


you got enough money? (做出否定回答)


dear susan:

i saw your name in the news*****. you asked for penfriend in china. i would like to be your penfriend.

i am twelve years old. i live in shanghai. i am a student in guanghua primaryschool.

we study chinese, english, maths, science, art, and other subjects. my f**ourite subjects are english and art. i will finish primary school soon and go to a middle school.

i would like to know everything about you. please write to me soon. my e-mail address is zhang ming

with best wishes!

zhang ming


) a. zhang ming wants to be susan’s penfriend.

) b. zhang ming lives in shanghai.

) c. susan’s f**ourite subjects are english and art.

) d. zhang ming will be a middle school student soon.

) e. susan is zhang ming’s sister.


a. what’s your f**ourite lesson?

b. how old are you?

c. where do you live?


名日之星暑期辅导班入学摸底考试。六年级英语。class grade name marks 一 填入所缺字母,将单词补充完整。10分 1.pict res t end ng ine 8.ond y 10.s d 二 按要求填空。12分 1 doesn t 完全形式2 thin 反义词。3 do 过去式...


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