人教版 新起点 英语六年级下册期末测试卷 二

发布 2020-08-15 03:08:28 阅读 7607

一、根据汉语意思,选出正确的字母或字母组合补全单词。()1. g__ll__ry (画廊)()2.

sca___围巾)()3. sw__n (天鹅)()4. b___ver (海狸)()5.

m___se (驼鹿)二、按要求写单词。1. right (反义词3.

two (倍数词5. your (反身代词7. less (最高级9.

france (形容词。


) 1. a robot can work

a. on it

b. use itself

c. by itself

2. tall (最高级4. sing (-ing形式6. who (宾格8. fire (复数10. north (反义词。

a. a, aa. rfa. oa. aea. oo

b. a, eb. ofb. eb. oeb. au

c. o, ec. ifc. ac. eac. oa

) 2. my book falls down, i

a. pick it up

b. pick up it

c. pick it on

) 3. we goa walk after dinner.

a. inb. on

c. for

) 4. i h**edo chores at home.

a. for

b. toc. that

) 5. we should keep our water

a. dirty

b. to clean

c. clean

) 6. he goes to the clubchess.

a. play

b. to play

c. to playing


i go to the cluba week.


he isand3.你应该每天按时吃药。

you shouldon time every day.4.那里有一家有名的餐馆。

there is athere.5.他们中的很多人都会说英语。

them can speak english.6.美国人与中国人不同。

american ischinese.五、按要求写句子。

1. he meets many new people there. (改为否定句)

2. cctv tower is a tall building in beijing. (改为最高级)

3. the new bag is mine. (对画线部分提问)

4. the shoes are brown. (对画线部分提问)

5. there are 2,500 students in our school. (对画线部分提问)




some animals (2to collect their winter food in the autumn. when it isvery cold, they stay inside their homes. they can eat the food they collect in the homes in the winter.

many birds cannot find food in the winter. so they fly (3the north tothe south in the autumn. they return home in the (4spring.

for example,swansandgeesefly(5)__

some animals sleep (6a long time in the winter. they eat a lot foodin the atm. in the winter they eat nothing.

they are very hungry when they wake (7in the spring. they usually look for food in march or april. bears, snakesand frogs are such animals.

winter safely.


mrs. frank has two children. tom is eight years old, and his sister ann is is a school boy but ann is not.

when tom is at home, he often plays with annwhile their mother is cooking, washing or cleaning.

onesaturdaymorning,thetwochildrenareplayinginthegardenandtheirmother is cooking for the lunch. suddenly ann begins to cry and runs into the kitchento her mother.

mrs. frank stops cooking and says,“why are you crying,ann?’’tom breaksmy toy horse.

”ann answers, crying more and more loudly. “how does he break it?”her mother asks.

ann stops crying, but does not answer for a while. then she says,“ihit him on the head with it.”

1)tom’s sister is___years old.

a. eight

b. six

c. five

2) one saturday, the children are playing and their mother is

a. cooking

b. reading books

c. washing

3) suddenlybegins to cry.

a. tom

b. ann

c. their mother

4)ann’s___is broken.

a. toy horse

b. toy dog

c. toy bear

5) does ann hit tom?

a. no, sheisn’t.

b. no,she doesn’t.

c. yes, she does.


以“my tr**el”为题,描述你在一次旅行中的见闻。不少于50个单词。

参***一、1-5 bacca二、

1. left/ wrong2. tallest3.

twice4. singing5. yourself/ yourselves6.

whom7. least8. fires9.

french10. south三、

1-6 cacbcb四、

1. three times2. hardworking; active3.

take medicine4. famous restaurant5. many of6.

different from五、

1. he doesn’t meet any new people there.2.

cctv tower is the tallest building in beijing.3. whose new bag is it?

4. what color are the shoes?

5. how many students are there in your school?六、

1) ways (2) begin (3) from (4) next (5) away (6) for (7) up (8) smart七、

1)-(5) cabac八、略。


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