六年级英语下册三月测试卷 定

发布 2020-08-15 03:07:28 阅读 8520






) vya. eeb. eic. ea

) la. aib. eac. ee

) 3. m _ ta. i,er b. i,or c. e,er

) oac. ou

) 5. _ma. orb. arc. er


1it) tail is long.

2. some dinosaurs are bigger thanhouse).

3. you’refunny )than mike.

4. my fish is smaller thansarah).

5. you are 4cmtall) than me .


) 1. wu yifan is 158 cm tall.

a. small b. short c. he**ier

) 2. amy is smaller than sue.

b. bigger c. biggest

) 3. who’s he**ier than you?

b. strongerc. thinner

) 4. i’m older and bigger than you.

a. taller and and smaller

c. younger and he**ier


) 48 kg. i’m __than you.

a. taller b. he**y c. he**ier

) 2. the pig is __than the elephant.

) 3. my hands are bigger than

b. your c. you

) 4. .how __sarah feel?

a. do b. is c. does

) 5.—how __are you? –i’m 164 cm.

a. long c. tall

)6some medicine and you’ll besoon.

a. h**e, fineb. take, wellc. take ,better

) excited.

a. a b. so

)8. how big __your feet ?

a. is b. are c. than

)9does john feel ?—he’s bored.

a. whatb. how c. where

10. in winter people often get the

a. hurt b. fever c. flu

)11. john passes the ball __mike. and the ball bounces __mike’s head.

a. to, off b. in , on c. to , to

五、情景交际。 10%

( )1. 老师要大家从低到高排队,他(她)会怎样说?

a. line up from shorter to taller. b. line up from younger to older.

c. line up from taller to shorter.


a. i’m shorter than my brother! taller than my brother!

c. you’re taller than your brother!


a. how long is your roomb. how large is your room?

c. how he**y is your bed?

)4. 你想告诉别人姐姐比你大两岁,会怎样说?

a. my sister is 2 years younger than me.

b. my sister is 2 years older than me.

c. my sister is 2 years old.

)5. 你想告诉别人,妈妈有长长的头发和大大的眼睛,应怎样说?

a. my mother has long hair and big eyes.

b. my mother has short hair and big eyes.

c. my mothe has long and black hair.


ab ) old are youa. there are five.

) 2. how many people are there in your family? b. i’m 12.

) 3. how tall are youc. fine. thank you.

)4. how much is your t-shirtd. i feel happy.

)5. how do you usually go to schoole. on foot.

)6. how long is changjiang river? f it’s about 10 minutes by bike.

)7. how high is that mountaing. over 1000 kilometers high.

)8. how clever(聪明)you areh. thirty yuan.

)9. how are youi. i’m 158cm tall.

)10. how do you feelj. thank you.


you wear size 34?(作肯定回答)

2. joe is 168 cm tall.(对划线部分提问)

3. the dog is he**ier than the cat.(改为一般疑问句)

am younger than mary.(改为否定句)

5. amy is taller than sarah.(写出其同义句)


1. are how your big feet(?)

3. you am year one i than older(.)


临水学区六年级英语 学科 第一单元检测试卷。命题 校对 于丽娜周倩。亲爱的们,相信大家一定能够努力做 开动脑筋,做出满意的答卷。加油啊!listening part 听力部分 25分 i.listen 选出你所听到的单词。每小题读两遍。5分 1.a.hair c near 2.c face 3 a....


时间 120分钟,满分120分 第i卷 20分 一 听说能力i 本大题4小题,共8分 答题提示 第i卷的1 4题读一遍,第ii卷的第11题读两遍,答案写在试卷的相应位置上 录音只 一次,考生可以边听边答题。1.听读词语,读音完全正确的一项是 2分 a 漂泊采撷茅塞顿开b 苦厄蕴藉慷慨激昂c 招徕烙印...


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