
发布 2020-03-30 20:05:28 阅读 2866




听力部分 (满分43分)

一、listen and choose


) 1. a. toy b.boy

) 2. a. tail b.mail

) 3. a. pine b.bye

) 4. a. know b.hole

) 5. a. house b.horse

) 6. a. rose b.nose

) 7. a. loud b.load

) 8. a. count b.cow

) 9. a. dive b.knife

) 10. a. cold b.coat


) 1. a. mountain b.

) 2. c. march

) 3. a. dadb.

) 4. a. tailer

) 5. a. earache b.

) 6. a. habby happy

) 7. a. bigerb.

) 8. a.

) 9. a. drinkb.

) 10. a. board b. boredc. bought

二、listen and circle


he**y is the whale2. who is taller?

3. who is big are sally’s feet?

5. what did lily buy6. how does mary feel?

7. how do you feel8. what is the wrong with the man?

can help the does john h**e for lunch?

三、listen and choose


)1. am fiveb. i am fine.

)2. youb. ok.

)3. am 156cmb. i am 156m.

)4. a. he is young and tallb. he likes painting.

)5. a. flower cityb. spring city.

)6. busb. by plane.

)7. is happyb. no,she is happy.

)8. a. we feel coldb. we feel warm.

) 9. a. because i’m happy. b. because my mother sends me a present.

) 10. lost my friend in the morning. lost my friend at the museum.

四、listen and fill


1. i eat too much candies, i h**e anow.

2. what is thewith you?

myis sore. my nose is

3. you look sotoday.

4. my hair isthan yours, butthan lily’s.

5. my suitcase is muchthan yours.

6. if youmore sports, you will be

7. thedog is funnier than theone.

8. howis the sperm whalemeters.

9are you going __your holiday?

五、listen and judge.

你将听到一篇短文,请判断对错, 对的打“√”错的打“×:本短文将读三遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

) 1. mary and kate are classmates.

) 2. kate is older than mary.

) 3. mary has long brown hair.

) 4. mary is taller and he**ier than kate.

) 5. the colours of their eyes’ are the same.


六、read and choose

zhang peng 打**给john想约他去动物园。以下是他们的对话,少了六个句子,请你选择合适的补全整个对话。将字母编号写在横线上。(每句1.5分,共9分)

zhang peng

john: this is me. (coughing咳)

zhang peng

john: i can't stop coughing.

zhang peng: i am sorry to hear that

johnmy head is aching, my throat is sore. and i feel sleepy.

zhang peng: maybe you h**e a bad cold

johni am not sure. i feel my head is a little hot.

zhang peng

johnok,i will do you call me?

zhang peng: actually i want to go to the zoo with you. but you are sick.

i just go with my parents. i will invite you next time. take care!

h**e to see the doctor now

zhang peng: see you.

七、reading comprehension.(阅读理解,1.5×10=共15分)


2012 2013学年度下学期六年级语文3月月考。一 积累与运用 25分 1 下列加点字注音正确的一项是 a 洗濯zhu 沉淀di n 菜畦w 获益匪浅f i b 玷污 di n 呵责 h 嫉妒 j 繁弦急管xi n c 沮丧 j 倜傥 dng 倔强ju 玲珑剔透t d 恐吓h 扒窃p 脑髓su 慧...


宗元学校2013年上期月考总结分析 3月 本学期的第一次月考已经结束了,为了更好的了解学生在这一个月里的收获情况,并且为以后的教学工作中能更有针对性,我们组从以下几个方面进行了总结 一 成绩分析及下阶段目标 1.成绩分析 年级考试。人数总分平均分及格。人数。及格率优秀。人数。优秀率备注。2.下阶段目...


8 关于声现象,下列说法中正确的是 a 声音在不同介质中的传播速度相同b 只要物体在振动,我们就一定能听到声音。c 声音只能传递信息 d 高速公路两旁安装的隔音板是为了阻断噪声的传播。9 喇叭里响起 我和你,心连心 的歌声,小华说 是刘欢演唱的。其判断是依据声音的 a.频率b.响度c.音调d.音色。...