
发布 2020-08-18 13:10:28 阅读 7195




5、几个鸡蛋6、from then on

7、at a time8、sharp teeth

9、finish his homework10、a lot of noodles


)1、a. morningb. homeworkc. forty

)2、a. habitb. sadlyc. late

)3、a. dietb. tidyc. finish

)4、a. fewb. netc. never

)5、a. makeb. fastc. wake


1. liu tao sometimesfinish) his homework before dinner.

2. we must keepquiet) in class. we can talk with each other

loud) after class

3. my sisterh**e) some good habits.

4.——what did the lion and the mousebecome)?


haiput) your hands on the desk.

manymango) are there in the fridge?

am good atskate).

is shoutingexcited).


( )lion___the net with his teeth, but that didn’t

help c. bit, helped

) drinks onlywater every day.

lot ) mouse helped the lion

a. get outb. got out c. get up

) taocakes and hot dogs.


) often h**e noodlesbreakfast.

) sunday, nancyto the zoo with her mum.

a. gob. goesc. went

)7there any water in the glass just now?

isc .was

)8habits do you h**e?

i h**e nine.

many much

) feeli want tonow.


) has __rice for lunch.

a. manyb. a fewc. a lot of


lion and the mouse became friends.(改为否定句)

the lion and the mousefriends.

went to the park with my family.(改为一般疑问句)

to the park with your family?

bing likes playing football.(对画线部分提问)

wang bing like?

h**e some bad habits.(改为一般疑问句)

you h**ebad habits?

helen go to school at seven fifteen yesterday?(改为陈述句)

helenat seven fifteen yesterday.

sister eats a few apples.(对画线部分提问)

your sister


) lion didn’t wanted to eat the mouse

a b c )2. yang ling likes eating meats very much

a b c ) comes the tigers. they are hungry

ab c ) an excited match it is

a b c ) makes a hole and helped the boy get out

a bc七、从b栏找出与a栏相对应的答句,将其序号填在题前括号内。(每小题2分,共10分)

ab ) woke you up this morning? a. they bought some flowers.

) you eat the pie on the plate? b. it bit the basket with its teeth.

) did the cat get outc. no, i didn’t.

) did they dod. my mother woke me up.

) are you doinge. we are reading a story.



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