
发布 2020-08-18 13:09:28 阅读 4156

一、根据汉语补全单词,将正确选项填写在括号里。(5分)1. (sl_pt(睡觉 ( badm_nton(羽毛球) (be__ch(沙滩) (su_way(地铁) (tom_rrow(明天) 二、英汉互译。


a farewell party2.听** skate4.弹钢琴 his foot6.

前天7. keep in touch8.别迟到 hall10.



1. buy(同音词反义词缩写对应词过去式比较级完全形式8. first(基数词9. story(复数10. run(现在分词。


)1. _did you do on your holiday?--i went to the park.

) is 160cm tall. ted is 10cm shorter than him. how tall is ted?

a. 150cm b. 160cm c. 170cm d.150m

)'m 5older than you. a. years b. cm you go on your holiday?--shanghai.

a. what b. where c. how

)5.--did you __pictures yesterday? a.

take b. took c. taking take( )6.

it’s looks __moon.

)7. i___fresh food in xingjiang last sunday . 8 .

i want to beenglish teacher. )9. how big are youri wear size 23 ) computers or internet in my is

) 11. amy is going toher homework tomorrow.

a. does

) 12. look! i am __my bedroom .

) played footballsunday morning. a. for b.

to ) is __than his father. a. young ) usuallyto work by car.

go五、用所给词的正确形式填空。(10分)1. my sister canride )a horse.2. i likeplay) football.

3. february is thetwo) month of a year.4.

my father oftenwatch) tv in the evening.5. therebe) a pen and two pencils on the desk.


) was your weekend?a. i’m going to see a film .

(did you do last night? watched tv.()he h**e music class yesterdayc .

it was great .(tall are youd .no ,he didn’t .

(are you going to do next weekend?e .i’m 1.

61 metres .七、连词成句。(10分)

1. do, to, school, how, you, come (?2.

know, you, do, that , how (?ride , my , i. ,well, bike (.

library, there, was, old , in ,my . school (.

5. saturday . feel. off bike. my. last. i (.八、句型转换。(10分)

1. she is going to fly kites.(写出同义句。

2. i h**e math class at 9:00.(用he做主语3. he did his homework yesterday.(改为否定句)

father is taking pictures now.(用yesterday改写5.xiao ming goes to school by bike. (划线部分提问九、read and choose.


miss white is a teacher. she teaches math. she is very responsible (负责) and she loves allthe students.

usually she gets up at 6:20 in the morning. but this morning she gets up at 5:

40,because she is on duty(值日)

today. first, she gets ready for classes at home, then she goes to school at 6:50.

at 7:00, she comes back to school. then she eats breakfast in the canteen.

at 7:20, she standsat the gate (大门) of school and wait for her students to come back school.根据短文内容选择,把编号写在题前的括号里:

) 1. when does miss white usually get up in the morning?a.

at 6:20. b.

at 5:40. c.

at 6:30.

) 2. why does miss white get up at 5:40 this morning?

she loves all the studentsb. because she is on duty because she gets ready for classes.( 3.

where does she eat breakfast?

a. at home. b.

in the kitchen c. in the school canteen.( 4.

what does miss white do?

a. she is a music teacher. b.

she is an english teacherc. she is a math teacher.( 5.

does she get ready for classes this morning?a. yes, she is.

b. yes, she does. c.

no, shedoesn’t.


新人教版英语六年级下册 unit2lastweekend partbreadand nbs 1.能朗诵 简单讲述本节课的小短文。2.能简单地讨论对一件事物的相关看法和相关内容。3.善于表达自己的情感态度,并提出中肯的建议。重点难点。重点 朗读 复述本节课的小短文。难点 能简单地讨论对一件事物的相关看...


1.in the museum在博物馆2.in the bookstore在书店3.buy a postcard买明信片4.near the door在门附近5.next to与 相邻 office邮局。7.science museum科学博物馆8.near the park在公园附近9.pet h...


1.in the museum 在博物馆 2.in the bookstore 在书店。3.buy a postcard 买明信片 4.near the door 在门附近。5.next to 与 相邻 office 邮局。7.science museum 科学博物馆 8.near the park...