
发布 2020-08-18 13:12:28 阅读 4579



) a.城市 b.地方 c.小镇。

) a.西方 b.东方 c.南方。

) a.中国 b.美国 c.香港。

) a.驾驶 b.跑 c.农民。

) a.老的 b.年轻的 c.瘦的。

) a.送 b.可以,行 c.传递、经过。

) a.窗户 b.黑板 c.桌子。

) a.白天 b.夜晚 c.早上。

) a.在…之后 b. 在…之前 c. 在…之间( )a.月、月份 b.年 c.他人的。


) up

) on ) afraid of

) saying

) three months

) a moment

) difference

) bike

) last

) and there

) door to door

) up as

) lot of

) at ) train


) 1、which is safer,a planea train?

a、and b、or c、to

) 2、when is christmas?--it’s __december 25.

a、inb、on c、at

) 3、the elephant is___he**ier than the bear.

a、very b、much c、many

( )4a big elephant

a、what b、which c、who

) 5、are there___hotels near here?

a、some b、any c、a

) 6、 don’t laugh___him.

a、at b、in c、on

) 7、__do you come from?

i come from beijing.

a、what b、where c、how

) 8、what do we h**e___supper today?

a、of b、to c、for

) 9、please give me some___

a、beef b、beefs c、beves

) 10、he usually goes home___foot.

a、on b、by c、at





比较级 (第三人称单数)__

9. h**e(第三人称单数)__反义词)__


) 1、谁在房间里?

a、who is in the room? b、what is in the room?

) 2、她是高的还是矮的?

a、is it tall or short? b、is she tall or short3、长颈鹿比梅花鹿更高。

a、the elephant is taller than the deer.

b、the giraffe is taller than the deer.


a、merry christmas! b、happy new year!

) 5、请给我一些牛肉。

a、please give me some pork.

b、please give me some beef.

) 6、 你总是在12点钟吃午饭吗?

a、do you always h**e breakfast at seven?

b、do you always h**e lunch at twelve?

) 7、你来自**?

a、where do you come from?

b、where do you live?

) 8、我来自中国。

a、i come from china. b、i come from usa.

) 9、你通常什么时候起床?

a、when do you usually get up?

b、when do you usually go to school?

) 10、我通常骑自行车去学校。

a、i usually go to school on foot.

b、i usually go to school by bike.


)1、what time is it now?

)2、is he late for school

)3、does your father h**e rice for lunch?

)4、let’s call her,ok?

)5、please give me some beef.


) 1、你想知道同学怎样去上学,该怎么问?

a、when do you go to school?

b、how do you go to school?

) 2、你怎样询问别人中午吃什么?

a、what do you h**e for lunch?

b、do you usually h**e lunch?

) 3、“我住在纽约”如何说?

a、i live in new york.

b、i live in china.


a、the giraffe is taller than the deer.

b、the deer is shorter than the deer.

) 5、妈妈给你一块蛋糕,你该怎样说:

a、not at all. b、thank you.


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