
发布 2020-08-15 03:04:28 阅读 9553




hurt(原形)go(过去式)buy(过去式)rode(原形)take(过去式)ate(原形)were(原形)run(过去式)lick (过去式)can(过去式)fall(过去式)begin(现在分词)sit(过去式)will(过去式)laugh(过去式)三、选出不同类的一项。(5分)

)1. a .lickedb.

laughc. saw()2. a.

couldb. seec. went()3.

a. beachb. mulec.

turpan()4. a. fellb.

tillc. stayed()5. a.

wasb. didc. dressed四、单项选择。


) did mr guo go last saturday? _

)2.--what __you___there?--we saw lots of

)--3.__did you go with? -my parents and you go to beijing last week?

i didn’t() did meimei go to the zoo?

went on went to read abook

) weekend,i went __with couldn’t eat

) saw lots of grapes __we couldn’t eat

)8did you go over your holiday?--i went to

)9.--what happended? -ifell of my bike andmy summer holidaygood?


was a bad dayalso a good get up earlythe chair istwo children.

took picturesthe mountain. ilike them very is a basketthe front of the bike.六、用所给单词的适当形式填空。

(10分) we(ride)bikes to the wanted(make) me happy.

got up late,so she(run)to the bus station.

often(eat)hamburgers,but she(eat)bread just now.6.--where did you(go)?

-i(go ) to are theyabout?

winter holiday(be ) felt song sounds(well). tv last sunday?七、根据提示完成句子。(12分)

1. what did lisa do on the labour holiday?she去野营).2. what happened, john?

i脚受伤).3. what did you do yesterday?

ifor my friends.(照相)


no, i didn’t. i去钓鱼)with my friends.八、读问句,选答语。(5分)

) did you go on your holiday? ok now.()she go to xinjiang?

fell off my bike.()did he go? went to sanya.

()happened? went by plane.()you all right?


7. didthewinteryouwheregoholidayover (?

8. wasyourhowsummerholiday十、按要求完成句子。(7分) saw a film yesterday.(划线提问)

对划线部分提问3. iwent to the cinema.(改为一般疑问句4. jim went to beijing.(对划线部分提问5.





6. i washed my clothes on sunday?(作否定回答 did something else .(改为一般疑问句。

十一、阅读理解。(5分)monday, april,28

today was a sunny day. in the morning, robin and me walked towuyifan’

and lunch together. we had a good time.()was sunday.()was robin’s birthday.

) yifan liked the dinosaurs’pictures very much.()ate breakfast together.

) had a bad day but also a good day.十。


以“my last weekend”为题,写一写自己去年暑假的活动,注意条理清晰,表达准确,字迹工整,不少于5句话。


红河乡2013 2014学年度第一学期。六年级英语第三单元检测题。学校班级 姓名得分 一 单词 每题 1 分,共 10 分 1 收集 2 邮票 3 爱好4 那些 5 著名的6 男人 复数 7 女人 复数8 一些9 信 10 另一个。二 词组 每题 1 分,共 10 分 1 集邮2 有。3 许多种4 ...


六年级英语下册。第一部分 单元突破第三单元达标测试密卷。听力部分 30分 一 看图,标号。10分 二 听音,排序。10分 1.yes i did 2.what did you do last weekend 3.did you help them wash clothes 4.i visited m...


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