
发布 2020-11-30 02:50:28 阅读 3840




) 1. 毛衣。

a. dress b. scarf c. sweater

) 2. 雪人。

a. snowman b. snow c. plant

) 3. 饿的。

a. cloudy b. hungry c. snowy

) 4. 雨伞。

a. raincoat b. flower c. umbrella

) 5. 温暖的。

a. warm b. cold c. hot

) 6. 同学。

a. brother b. friend c. classmate

) 7. 跷跷板。

a. slide b. seesaw c. rope

) 8. 太阳镜。

a. sweater b. coat c. sunglasses

) 9. 穿,戴。

a. wear b. put c. take

) 10. 游泳。

a. fly b. swim c. make


) 1. a. elephant b. panda c. like

) 2. a. spring b. winter c. windy

) 3. a. scarf b. what c. coat

) 4. a. kite b. swim c. plant

) 5. a. bounce b. jump c. ball


) 1. summer is

a. bright b. at home c. look

) 2is white.

a. fall b. winter c. summer

) 3. do youspring?

a. at b. green c. like

) 4. fallgolden.

a. is b. arec. am

) 5. -do you like winter

a. yes b. why c. good

) 6. it’s warm and

a. rain b. windy c. spring

) 7. we cana kite.

a. fly b. put c. plant

) 8. what’s the weather

a. am b. from c. like

) 9. it’ssunny day today.

a. /b. an c. a

) 10. -can __stay here

a. my b. us c. i

) 11. i putmy scarf and play.

a. on b. in c. of

) 12. -is the frogyes..

a. play b. sleeping c. stay

) 13. i can fly a kite in

a. winter b. season c. spring

) 14your f**ourite season?

a. what’s b. how c. is

) 15. we can make ain winter.

a. vapour b. snowman c. sunglasses

) 16. i can bounce the ball very

a. good b. much c. well

) 17. -can you play pingpong

a. yes, he can b. no, she can’t c. yes, i can

) 18. let’s go

a. swimming b. swim c. swims

) 19. what can you dospring.

a. at b. in c. on

) 20. it’s very hot, i wear a

a. coat b. dress c. sweater


) 1. 你喜欢它,你会说:

a. i like it very much. b. i go to the park on foot.

) 2. 你最喜欢春天,你会说:

a. do you like spring? b. my f**ourite season is spring.

) 3. 你想知道熊猫是否冬眠,你会说:

a. is the panda sleeping in winter? b. i like winter.

) 4. 你可以穿自己最喜欢的毛衣,你会说:

a. i can wear my coat b. i can wear my f**ourite sweater.

) 5. 你能在春天里放风筝,你会说:

a. i can fly a kite in spring. b. i like spring.

) 6. 外面下雨了, 你会说:

a. it’s sunny. b. it’s rainy.

) 7. 哈尔滨天气晴,你会说:

a. it’s sunny in harbin. b. it’s sunny.

) 8. 你想知道天气怎么样,你会说:

a. what do you like doing? b. what’s the weather like?

) 9. 主持人播报天气时,会说:

a. it’s snowy in beijing. b. i want a drink.

) 10. 别人问你秋天做什么,你会说:

a. i can wear my new dress. b. we can climb hills in fall.


) 1. excuse me, where is the subway station?

) 2. take your umbrella.

) 3. let’s go out to play.

) 4. what season is it?

) 5. i h**e a present for you.

) 6. can you jump rope?

) 7. where is peter?

) 8. he is on the seasaw.

) 9. may i join you?

) 10. it’s very hot today.

a. 带上你的雨伞。

b. 我有一个礼物送给你。

c. 什么季节?

d. 你会跳绳吗?

e. 今天天气真热。

f. 打扰了,地铁站在哪儿?

g. 我们出去玩吧。

h. 他在跷跷板上。

i. 彼得在哪儿?

j. 我能加入你们吗?


a: it’s a sunny day.

b: _1___

a: i’m sorry. _2___

b: let’s jump rope.

a: no,no! _3___

b: can you slide?

a: no, _4___

b: can you play on the seesaw?

a: _5___


实验小学2013 2014学年度下学期二年级期中质量调研。新起点英语。听力部分 40分 一 listen and choose the picture.听音打 选 20分 二 listen and choose.听音把听到的单词下打 10分 11.short snowy12.weather warm...


2010 2011学年下学期期中测试 二年级英语试题 卷首语 小朋友们,你们好!相信经过两个月的努力,你们一定会取得好成绩的,请不要紧张,认真仔细的答题吧!老师相信你们是最棒的!请注意卷面干净哟!一 请给下列词语找英文名字,并用直线连接起来。32分 season雪人 class走。plant天气 t...


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