
发布 2023-02-03 12:15:28 阅读 4764



a. let’s talk &let’s learn

教学目标。1.能听说认读下列词汇和短语:cool,cold,hot,warm,weather, outside ,be careful.


3.能在情境中熟练运用句型:can i go outside now ?

yes, you can. /no, you can’t. it’s cold outside.


4.能在情境中恰当运用句型it’s very hot\cold。


2.在情境中熟练运用句型:can i go outside now ?

no, you can’t. it’s cold outside. can i h**e some soup?

yes, you can.


教学过程。step 1 warm-up

1. greeting

2. let’s chant

3. 通过chant引出话题weather

let’s learn

1. 师生自由问答当天的天气创设情景。

it’s…in pingdu today. what’s the weather like in other cities? let’s watch a weather report.


t:how many cities are there in the weather report? what are they?

s:beijing,harbin,hongkong ,lhasa.

t: what’s the weather like in beijing?

s: it’s warm.领读跟读,拓展 war –warm

依次学习cold,hot, cool.

2. 用chant的形式来复习以上四个单词。

let’s talk

1. 师生自由问答创设整体对话情景。

t:(展示教材**并提问)who are they? what are they talking about ?

s: they’re mike and his mother. they’re talking about weather and lunch.


t: what time is it? what’s the weather like outside? 讲解outside

s: it’s cold outside.(板书,领读)

t: it’s cold outside. but mike wants to go outside.

he asks his mother for permission. what does he say? 引导学生**教学**回答:

can i go outside now? (板书can i…?)教师继续提问:

what does his mother say? 并引导学生回答:no,you can’t.

it’s cold outside。

3.展示不同情境操练can i go outside now? no,you can’t. it’s cold\hot outside.

4. 讲授第一幅图。

t: look at the picture. mike and his mother are talking about lunch.

what did mike’s mother prepared?

s:fish 、vegetables、soup、bread……

t: what does mike ask his mother? 引导学生**教学**进行回答:

can i h**e some soup? 教师继续提问what does his mother say? 并引导学生回答:

yes,you can .

5.讲解be careful. it’s very hot.

6.利用mike’s mother 做好的饭进行操练can i h**e some…? yes,you can .


step3. practice

1. role-play (以镂空的形式进行)


2. let’s play


step4. summary

step5 homework

1. listen to the weather report tonight

2. listen and imitate dialogue, then make a new dialogue with your partner.


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a let s learn说课稿。李秀珍。本次我主讲的是人教版四年级下册第三单元part a第一课时的内容,由于四年级是新教材,所以这部分内容 句型和单词 对学生来说完全掌握有一定的难度,这是一节词汇课,根据县教研室对小学英语教学模式建构,分为前置学习 情景导入 新知呈现 交流释疑 巩固操练 展示反...