
发布 2023-02-03 10:35:28 阅读 1163


1.听会说weather,sunny,rainy,cloud听懂会说how is the weather today?it's a sunny /rainy/cloudy/snowy day.



weather, sunny, rainy , cloudysnowy


2听懂会说how is the weather today?it's a sunny /rainy/cloudy/snowy dayweather, sunny, rainy, cloudy, snowy教具准备:教学wcd,课件,单词卡片二.教学过程:

step l: warming upgreetings

sing a song: rain, rain, go awaystep 2: lead in and presentation1. free talk

t: today well tr**el in china. which city do you like?s s : beijing, fuzhou

t: before tr**eling, we should do something. what do we need to do?

toknow the weather2.揭示课题。

3.教授weather:(呈现课件) father mother brother.


“weather练:t领读(升调,降调):;s s书空拼读,t板书;two by two:

读3遍step 3: new lesson

1.教授句子how is the weather today?步骤如下引出。

t: look outside. how is the weather today?学生边读师边板书。

操练:t领读;纠音;分左手右手读(t举左手,生读how is the weather,师举右手,生读today);分组读; check(加分):


t:1ok(看窗外),how is the weather today?s1:晴朗的。t: yes, it s a sunny

操练:领读(升降调);书空拼读spel1,sunny师板书;强调n的音: read ittwo by

看手指头版头数遍数( three/ four times,please,go.);check(加分)(2)教授rainy引出:

t:(出示课件) how is the weather today?(课件呈现**)s1:下雨的。

t: yes, it's a rainy day.

操练:领读(升降调);书空拼读spell,rainy,师板书强调ai的音:分loudly, you slightly or i slightly you loudly):


引出t: how is the weather today?(课侮呈现**)s1:多云的。

t: yes, it's a cloudy day

操练:领读(升,降调);书空拼读spel1,c-1-o-urdy,师板书;强调u的音;(出示cloudy卡片),group3 please大小声(t:read and touch the picture

high,say cloudy大声d小声ready


t: how is the weather today?(课件呈现**s1:下雪的。

t: yes, it's a snowy day

操练:领读(升降调):书空拼读spe1,snowy,师板书;强调ow的音;read出示snowy卡片),group4 please:

正反面读(卡片and touch the picture(正面读smog,反面读“下雪的”,ready go); check(加分)

以及4个单词综合操练:快速反应(拿出4张卡片,拿哪张读哪个单词).what's missing地雷游。

2,教授句子it's a sunny/ rainy/ /c// snowy day.步骤如下(1)引出:(老师拿**学生)t:

how is the weather today?

引导s s:it's a sunny day师板书。it'sunny dayt:

how is the weather today? s s: it's a rainy dayt:

how is the weather todays s: it's a cloudy day

t: how is the weather today?s s: it's a snowy day(2)play a guessing game


猜之前,其他三组齐声问: how is the weather today?step 4:.

1. listen and read after the vcd(t: first time:

listen: second time,repeat)

step5:扩展how is the weather in1.引出(课件呈现地名,强调大写)

t: let' s begin our tr**el now. firstly, we come to fuzhou.

then we cometo beijing. then we come to shanghai. now we come to guangzhou2.


how is the weather in beijing?


小,至师击掌时学生即起立读);t-s s(r: how is the weather in beijing?s s:it's a sunny day),看地图抢答。


t: the vacation is coming, i will go to beijing, shanghai, guangzhou,wuhan. but i don 't know the weather who can be the little weather

reporter for me?(师先示范how is the weather in?it's a sunny day


step 6: sum up and evaluation


t: today, we h**e learned about weather, sunny, rainy, cloudy, snowyd how to talk about the weather:"”how is the weather today?

”“its a sunny /rainy/cloudy/snowy day.(在课件里呈现)。同学们要注意天气。

变化,要出门前做好准备,做到未兩绸缪2.反馈本节课的评价。step 7: conclusion





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