
发布 2023-01-21 17:25:28 阅读 9202

step 2 练习。



j__ k__t t-__h __tp__ t__ sh__ t__

d__ s sw__ tj__ s s__ k__


3. 翻译。




4. 选出不同类的一项。

)1、a、orange b、purple c、black d、colour

)2、a、t-shirt b、jacket c、dress d、blue

)3、a、canteen b、garden c、nine d、library

)4、a、jacket b、skirt c、picture d、t-shirt

)5、a、english b、clock c、math d、

)6、a、breakfast b、chinese c、lunch d、dinner

)7、a、canteen b、bedroom c、bathroom d、kitchen

)8、a、to b、in c、on d、one

)9、a、second b、first c、nine d、third

)10、a、go b、h**e c、home d、eat

5. 选出划线部分不同发音的单词,将其编号填在括号里。

)1、a、pig b、window c、kite

)2、a、map b、face c、bag

)3、a、milk b、bike c、rice

)4、a、ice b、taxi c、fish

)5、a、egg b、bed c、me

6. 根据问句,选出相应的答语,并把其编号写在括号里。

)1、what colour is the jacket? are brown.

)2、what colour are the shorts? b. yes, it is.

)3、where are my are under the bed.

)4、is this your shirtd. they are my father’s.

)5、whose are those sockse. it’s red.

)6、are these your shirtsf. yes, they are

)7、what are thoseg. they are jeans..


a . what colour is it ?它是什么颜色?blue.蓝色。

is this your shirt?这是你的衬衫吗?yes, it is.是的,它是。

is that your dress?那是你的连衣裙吗?no, it’s not.不,它不是。

whose is this sweater?这是谁的毛衣?it’s mike’s mom’s这毛衣是马克的妈妈的。

these are my jeans. they’re blue. 这些是我的牛仔裤。他们是蓝色的。

b. put on your t-shirt穿上你的t恤衫。

hang up your skirt挂起你的裙子。

take off your jacket脱下你的夹克衫。

fold your dress叠好你的连衣裙。

wash your skirt洗洗你的衬衫。

put away your sweater. 收好你的毛衣。


1. is that jacket your

2. are, these, shorts, my (

3. is this shirt whose (

4. colour is what dress the

5. the jacket like i blue with black jeans the (

6. are those jacket your (?

7. is time it to school go to (

8. is time it for school (

9. colour are what socks the (

10. whose are shoes brown the (

step 4 巩固练习

一、 找出发音不同的单词。

)1. a. nice b. bikec. window

) 2. a. iceb. pigc. time

) 3. a. nine b. lightc. is

) 4. a. time b. musicc. rice

) 5. a. socks b. homec. nose

二、 单项选择。

)1. —is this your sweater

a. yes, they are b. no, it is c. yes, it is

) 2. my socks __white.

a. areb. isc. am

( )3. —is that your blue jacket ? no

a.it’sb. it’s not c. its not

) 4. are those your___

a.jacket b. dressc. shoes

) 5. —whose is the dress? —it’s

a. meb. chen jie’s c. she

) like the red shirtthe blue shorts.

a. sob. but c. with


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