四年级上册英语教案 武蓉

发布 2023-01-22 13:14:28 阅读 9847




module 1 unit 1



日常用语:nice to meet you.


look and learn,listen and enjoy


1. 帮助学生学look and learn中的单词。

2. 通过listen and enjoy的儿歌,帮助学生学习日常用语nice to meet you.感受单元话题。


pre-task preparations

1. 用hello! hi!

等招呼语和学生打招呼,鼓励学生尽量用英语提问了解老师的情况。如:how old are you?

what do you like? 等等,增进师生之间的了解。根据学生的提问进行简单的自我介绍。


t: hello.

s1: hello.

t: i’m your (new) english teacher.

my name’s …

接着,让学生理解my name’s … 的意思,然后请学生用my name’s … 在小组内介绍自己的姓名。

2. 出示listen and enjoy栏目的**,请学生边看**边听录音。听完后,教师微笑着和一位学生握手,说nice to meet you.,通过“握手、问候”的动作让学生明白nice to meet you.

的意思,重复几遍,请全班学生跟读nice to meet you. 然后让学生跟读儿歌并模仿录音的语音语调,鼓励学生边说儿歌边做互相问候的动作。

while-task procedures

1. 拿着look and learn的morning**,用good morning. 向学生问候,让学生听清并理解morning的含义,再跟着教师读。

t: good morning, boys and girls.

(show the flashcard for morning) morning.

ss: morning.

t: m-o-r-n-i-n-g, morning.

ss: m-o-r-n-i-n-g, morning.

接着,向不同的学生用good morning. 问好,如向一个学生问好,或向全体男生、女生问好,引导学生用good morning, …来回答。

t: (show the flashcard for morning) good morning.

s1: good morning.

t: good morning, boys.

boys: good morning, miss/mr …

用同样方法教学单词afternoon,evening和问候语good morning. good afternoon. good evening.。

2. 出示morning,afternoon,evening,night的单词卡片,请学生看图说单词,或看单词朗读,比一比谁的反应快。

t: (show the flashcard for afternoon)

s1: afternoon. a-f-t-e-r-n-o-o-n, afternoon.

3. 准备一天四个时段的挂图,四图中分别出现不同人物,学生看图并根据**所示的时间与画中的人物问候。如:

good morning.,假如问候正确,教师做出相应的回答,如good morning.。

4. 出示一些**人物**,请个别学生上来抽卡片,然后根据抽到的卡片扮演不向人物,进行自我介绍,其他学生要问候作介绍的同学。

s1: hello, my name’s …

ss: good morning, …

s2: hello, my name’s …

ss: good morning, …

post-task activities

1. 出示不同时段的挂图,让学生用good morning./good afternoon.

/good evening. 和自己的名字改编listen and enjoy的儿歌,然后与同桌两人一组练习。教师可以请几个小组上台表演。

s1: good morning. good morning.

my name’s jenny. j-e-n-n-y, jenny.

what about you?

s2: good morning. good morning.

my name’s bob. b-o-b, bob.

nice to meet you, jenny.

2. 小组活动。学生分为四人一组。发给每组一套人物卡片,请学生根据抽到的卡片扮演不同人物,表演打招呼和自我介绍的对话。

s1: good morning.

s2: good morning. my name’s … are you …?

教学反思:本节课的核心句型是her name’s …。我从my name’s…进入课堂,让学生扮演不同的人物从而掌握形容词性物主代词的用法,学生积极性很高,课堂教学完成很顺利。

module 1 unit 1



句型:her name’s jill.


listen and say,listen and enjoy,make and say


1. 通过listen and say的情景对话,帮助学生学习核心句型her name’s jill.

2. 通过角色扮演,帮助学生初步运用核心句型。

3. 通过make and say活动,让学生进一步巩固和运用核心句his/her name’s …。


pre-task preparations

1. 接龙游戏。用listen and enjoy的儿歌向学生问好,学生回答老师的问候以后,接着用问题what about you? 随意向任意学生提问。

t: good morning. good morning.

my name’s …

what about you? (point tos1)

s1: good morning. good morning

my name’s …

what about you? (point to s2)

s2: good morning. good morning.

my name’s …

what about you? (point tos3)

s3: …2. 准备一个小木偶,以小木偶的语气用第—人称作自我介绍,引出生词new。在学生听懂的基础上,鼓励学生主动站起来和小木偶打招呼,并作自我介绍。

t: hello. my name’s peggy. i'm new here. nice to meet you.

s1: good morning, peggy. my name’s … nice to meet you too.

t: good morning, my new friend.


while-task procedures

1. 请一个男生和一个女生上台做自我介绍,然后教师向全班学生介绍这两个学生,引出新句型his/her name’s … 和生词classmate,请全班学生跟读和拼读单词classmate。

s1: hello. my name’s … nice to meet you.

s2: hello. my name’s … nice to meet you too.

t: (point tos1) he’s/she’s … his/her name’s …

he’s/she’s (s2’s name)’ classmate. is he/she your classmate?

ss: yes.

t: c-l-a-s-s-m-a-t-e, classmate.

ss: c-l-a-s-s-m-a-t-e, classmate.

接着请同学用classmate来组词,如:my classmate,an old classmate,a tall classmate,a new classmate。

最后,请学生用classmate来造句,如:i h**e a classmate./ is my classmate.

2. 呈现listen and say的**,向学生介绍并提问。

l) who are they?

2) who’s the girl?

**listen and say的录音,然后出示listen and say的**并提问,检查学生的理解程度。

t: (point to jill in picture2) look at the girl.

who is she?

ss: she’s kitty’s new classmate.

t: what’s her name?

ss: jill.

t: yes. her name’s jill. j-i-l-l, jill.


t: her. h-e-r, her.

ss: her. h-e-r, her.

t: (point to your book) this is my book. (hold the things of a girl and point to the girl) this is her book.

this is her bag/pencil. can you make phrases with “her”?

s1: her book, her ruler, …

t: who can make sentences with “her”?

s2: her bag is new.


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小学四年级第一学期英语教学计划。一 基本情况。四年级学生在读英语上有一小点基础,但是对英语单词还只停留在死记硬背上,对英语字母的正确拼写都有一定的困难。二 教材分析。1 注重学生语言运用能力的培养,突出语言的实践性和交际性,同时也突出语言的真实性和实用性。2 注重学生自学能力和学习策略的培养,为学生...