
发布 2023-01-18 16:19:28 阅读 7308

一。 free talk (8 %,师生共同完成,注意营造宽松的环境和气氛)




t: nice to meet you. s: response.

t: what’s the time now? s: response.

t: you look very well today…. s: response.

t: shall we begin? s: response.

t: is that your…? s: response.

二。 ask and answer (8 %,师生共同完成,可以使用**、实物等辅助测试)




t: how do you go to school every day? s: response.

t: what do you h**e for breakfast? s: response.

t: anything else? s: response.

t: what’s your father’s/mother’s job? s: response.

t: what do you want to be(…)s: response.

三。 say something about … 8 %,主要由学生完成,可以使用**、实物等)

此项测试主要考查学生综合语言运用能力。教师可以让学生预先准备4-5个话题,其内容要求涵盖职业、性别、家庭任务、喜爱(食物)、交通方式、室内物品介绍等。要求学生独立完成,教师应鼓励学生用自己的语言进行叙述, 描述词语不少于5句。



t: i’m a teacher and my husband is… would you like to tell me something about your


四。 song or rhyme (6 %)





) 2. a. nice b. expensive c. pretty d. umbrella

) 3. a. hurry b. dinner c. breakfast d. lunch

) 4. a. hen b. horse c. animal d. sheep

) 9. a. yours b. ours c. mine d. clothes

) 10. a. hot b. cool c. sun d. cold

二、read and judge. (判断划线部分的发音是否一致,一致的画“√”不一致的画“×”

) 1. horse homework ( 2. girl nurse ( eraser

) 4. little table5. car wall

三、read and choose. (单项选择。)

) 1. i likewhite shortsnice.

a. this; it’s b. those; they’re c. those; it’s

) 2. it’s very cold ._your coat.

a. take off b. put on c. put away

) 3.--how __horses do you h**e?


a. mine b. much c. many

) 4. it’s 12 o’clock. it’s time __lunch.

a. for b. to c. of

) 5. -where __my sunglasses?

they’rethe floor.

a. are; in b. is; onc. are; on

) 6. -are these green beans?

a. yes, they are. b. no, they are. c. yes, it is.

) 7. these are __and

a. tomatos; carrots b. tomatoes; carrot c. tomatoes; carrots

) 8. whose sweater is this?__

a. it’s my. b. it’s my sister. c. it’s my brother’s.

) 9do you like this scarf?

it’s very pretty.

a. whatb. whose c. how

) 10. -can i

sure. here you are.

a. try on them b. try them onc. like them

四、look, read and write. (根据所给**的提示写出单词或短语,将句子补充完整。)

1. it’sin london.

2. -are these goats?

---no, they aren’t. they are

3. -that skirt is pretty. how much is it?

---it’s 399 yuan.

---oh, it’s too

4. theare so big.

5. it’s 12 o’clock. it’s time for

五、read and choose. (读句子,选择合适的答语,将字母代号填在括号里。)

( )1. what are thosea. it’s next to the library.

( )these carrotsb. it’s five o’clock.

) 3. where is the teacher’s officec. it’s cold.

( )4. what time is itd. they’re horses.

( )the weather like in sydney? e. yes, they are.

六、read and judge. (看**,读句子,与**内容相符的画“√”不相符的画“×”

)1. hang up your dress.

) 2. -do you like green beans?


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经过半天的英语口试测试,2014 2015学年度第二学期英语口试,抽测圆满完成了。本次英语测试采用英语抽测考查的形式,每个班12名尖子生和8名普通生参加了考试,四年级的两个班整体表现很好,大多数学生能流利 准确的表达单词句子,语言准确合理,问答时自然流畅,可以看出任课教师很注重学生平时的阅读和表达能...


2013 2014学年第一学期期末小学英语四年级口试参考试题。为全面评价学生学习英语的情况,体现学生在英语听 说 读 写各方面的能力,特要求各校组织期末英语口试测试工作。请于期末考试前完成测试,口试成绩按30 比例计入总评分数。以下为参考题型,具体考试题目由学校自主调整制定。一 词语认读 20分 学...