
发布 2023-01-18 16:31:28 阅读 3167



卷首语: 同学们,经过一段时间的认真学习,你一定收获不少吧! 现在,就请以最快乐的心情轻松自信地迎接挑战,认真完成每道题,你能行!



) 1. a. chinese b. englishc. maths

) 2. a. monday b. tuesdayc. thursday

) 3. a. hillb. riverc. boat

) 4. a. morning b. afternoon c. evening

) 5. a. coatsb. shortsc. shirts

) 6. a. hurtb. hurryc. hungry

) 7. a. coughb. coldc. coffee

) 8. a. go skating b. go boating c. go climbing

) 9. a. take care b. not so good c. take the pills

)10. a. are you tired? b. is she hungry? c. are they happy?


) 1. a. sounds good. b. i’m sorry to hear thatc. i’m so happy.

) 2. a. yes, i dob. i h**e many booksc. no, i’m not.

) 3. a. yes, she does. b. yes, she canc. yes, she is.

) 4. a. i h**e fourb. he likes maths and chinese. c. i like english and art.

) 5. a. it’s a hot day. b. it’s sunnyc. it’s tuesday.

) 6. a. it’s fiveb. it’s tom’sc. it’s tom.

三、听录音,用阿拉伯数字给下列**编号 (听两遍)(6分)


1、a: how manyare there in a year?

ba:what are they?

b: they are springautumn and winter.

2、a: thissweater?

b: no, it

asweater is this?

b: it’s my



) 1. a. illb. headachec. cough

) 2. a. seasonb. coolc. warm

) 3. a. dressb. coatc. cake

) 4. a. hillb. lakec. park

) 5. a. swimming b. climbingc. sing


1. 在星期五2. 谁的连衣裙。

3. 野餐4. 太短。

5. what’s the matter6. well done


h**e aswim) lesson this saturday.

2. maryh**e) lunch at school every day.

3. this is miss lispeak).

4. -my shorts are too short. -trythis).

5. it’s mycousin) dress today.

八、从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的正确选项 (10分)

) 1. he usually watches tv night.

a. withb. atc. ind. to

) 2. it’s nine o’clock.. it’s time

a. to bedb. for go to bed c. to go to bed d. go to bed

) 3. would you like pies?

a. anyb. ac. and. some

) 4. it’s cold. we can make

a. snowmanb. snowmen c. snowmans d. a snowmen

) 5. –may i speak to helen? –yeshelen speaking.

a. i’m b. this isc. this isd. that is

) 6. –what colour is yourwhite.

a. jeansb. shortsc. socksd. shirt

) 7. let’s go

a. boatb. boating c. a boat d. boats

) 8. i’m thirsty. i want

a. a pie b. to eat a pie c. h**e some water d. to h**e some water

) 9. my pencil is too short, but your pencil is .

a. bigb. longc. shortd. small

)10shoes are they?


a. who’s it’sb. whose it’s

c. who’s they’red. whose they’re


1. school, seven, go, forty, i, to, at

2. cakes, can, i , see, some (.

you, go, at, when, to, do, night (?

4. what, do, subjects, like, you (?

5. gloves, so, are, big, my (.


2014 2015年第二学期小学四年级英语期末试卷 牛津版 卷首寄语 孩子们,这个学期快乐的学习生活就要结束了,你的英语水平一定取得。了不小的进步!下面就来测试一下,请认真审题,细心作答!一 听力。共20小题,每小题2分,计40分 a 听单词。选出你所听到单词,将其序号填入到题前的括号内。每个单词读...

小学教育 2024年小学四年级英语期末试卷分析

三 对今后教学的几点思考及改进措施 本次期末考试留给了我一些值得思考的问题,主要原因是运用不足。现提出以下几点改进措施 1 狠抓基础,培养能力。打好扎实的语言基础,特别是最基本的词汇 习惯用法和常用句型,要反复训练,做到举一反三。单词教学一定要做到词不离句,这样学生在学会单词的同时,也学会了词的一些...


四年级下册期末试卷。亲爱的同学们,又到期末了,通过一学期的努力,你们一定取得了不小的进步吧。赶快行动,你就一定能感受学习的快乐,收获成功的喜悦。卷面分 3分 一 词语百宝箱 写出拼音下面的汉字 10分 sh ng sh t o y n ch ng ku xi n q f n qie qi l ng ...