
发布 2022-02-01 17:45:28 阅读 5915

. free talk (教师提问,学生根据实际情况回答。8分。)

hello! what’s your name? (不计分,但如不能回答也不扣分。)

1. what’s in the classroom/room? (如果考场不是教室,请改问room)

2. what color is the wall?

3. do you h**e a good friend in the classroom? boy or girl?

4. what’s his/her name?

. let’s say (看图说单词。5分)

. let’s read(用升调和降调朗读下列单词和词组。5分)

1. a math book 2. short hair 3. watch tv

4. a board 5. a fork

. let’s sing (歌曲吟唱学生可二选一进行展示。 4分)

sing a song in page 25. /sing a song in page 55.

. let’s talk (朗读下面的对话。 8分)

mike : mom, i’m hungry. what’s for dinner?

mom: wait and see. what would you like for dinner?

mike: i’d like some fish and chicken.

mom: what would you like?

dad: i’d like some rice and vegetables, please.

mom: everything’s ready.

mike & dad: thank you.


. free talk(教师提问,学生根据实际情况回答。8分。)

hello! what’s your name?(不计分,但如不能回答也不扣分。)

5. what’s this?(指图1中的任意一个房间提问)

6. how many rooms can you see?

7. look at hui tailang, is he in the living room?

8. is hui tailang strong?

.let’s say (看图说单词。5分)

. let’s read(用升调和降调朗读下列单词和词组。5分)

1. long hair 2. forty 3. noodles

4. teacher’s desk 5. computer game

. let’s chant(诗歌诵读学生可二选一进行展示。 4分)

read the chant in page 32. /read the chant in page 62.

.let’s talk (朗读下面的对话。 8分)

john: good morning, mike. let’s clean the classroom.

mike: good idea.

zhang peng: let’s clean the desks and chairs.

amy & sarah: all right!

mike: let me clean the window.

wu yifan: let me clean the door.

ss: good morning, miss white.

miss white: wow! it’s nice and clean. good job!


. free talk (教师提问,学生根据实际情况回答。8分。)

hello! what’s your name? (不计分,但如不能回答也不扣分。)

9. do you h**e a schoolbag?

10. is your schoolbag big or small?

11. what’s in the schoolbag?

12. how many …do you h**e?(根据学生上一题书包里的物品,进行提问)

. let’s say (看图说单词。5分)

. let’s read(用升调和降调朗读下列单词和词组。5分)

1. a light 2. twenty-one 3. rice

4. a bedroom 5. quiet

. let’s chant/sing (诗歌诵读、歌曲吟唱学生可二选一进行展示。 4分)

read the chant in page 19 /sing a song in page 13.

. let’s talk (朗读下面的对话。 8分)

john: i h**e a new friend

chen jie: boy or girl?

john: a boy

chen jie: who’s he?

john: guess. he has short yellow hair and big eyes. what’s his name?

chen jie: his name is mike.

john: yes.

chen jie: i h**e a friend, too. she’s quiet. she likes music.

john: she’s amy.

chen jie: you’re right!


. free talk(教师提问,学生根据实际情况回答。8分。)

hello! what’s your name? (不计分,但如不能回答也不扣分。)

13. do you h**e a good friend? boy or girl?

14. what’s his/ her name?

15. is he/she strong?

16. is he/she short?

.let’s say (看图说单词。5分)

. let’s read(用升调和降调朗读下列单词和词组。5分)

1. a story-book 2. chicken 3. a board

4. wall 5. long hair

. let’s chant/sing (歌曲吟唱学生可二选一进行展示。 4分)

sing a song in page 67. /sing a song in page 13.

.let’s talk (朗读下面的对话。 8分)

a: is this your bedroom?

b: yes, it is.

a: it’s very nice.

b: i h**e a new eraser. it’s a fish.

a: hey, your cat!

b: is she in the study?

a: no, she isn’t.

b: is she in the living room?

a: no, she isn’t.

b: look, she’s in the kitchen.


. free talk(教师提问,学生根据实际情况回答。8分。)

hello! what’s your name? (不计分,但如不能回答也不扣分。)

17. what’s this? (指图1的书桌)

18. what can you see on the desk? (如不会,可继续指图1做提示)

19. do you like beef or vegetable?

20. what would you like for dinner?

.let’s say (看图说单词。5分)

. let’s read(用升调和降调朗读下列单词和词组。5分)

1. classroom 2. strong3. a shelf

4. a study 5. a spoon

. let’s chant(诗歌诵读学生可二选一进行展示。 4分)

read the chant in page 32. /read the chant in page 50.

.let’s talk (朗读下面的对话。 8分)

amy : hi, chen jie. i h**e a new schoolbag.

chen jie: really? what colour is it?

amy : it’s black and white.

chen jie :wow! it’s a panda. how nice.

amy : i h**e many books. a story-book, a chinese book, and...

chen jie : a fat panda. may i h**e a look?

amy : sure, here you are.

chen jie: thank you.








小学四年级英语试题。听力部分。一 听一听,选一选。选出正确的图画。每个小题读两遍。1.ab 2.ab.3.ab.4.ab.5.ab.二 听一听,标一标。用数字标出 的序号。每个句子读两遍。三 听一听,判一判。判断每句描述是否符合图意,符合的写t,不符合的写f,每题读两遍。四 听一听,选一选。找出相对...


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请同学们每天回家后将下面的内容读一遍,麻烦各位家长在星期下。签字,感谢您的支持与配合!如果遇到不会读的,把它划出来,回学。校问老师 同学。每天读完请家长签字 如 已读1遍 一二三四五六日。pep 四上 复习资料 unit 1 my classroom classroom 教室 window 窗户 b...