人教版新目标英语八年级上册Unit2No 8导学案

发布 2023-01-06 15:31:28 阅读 8754

unit 2 what’s the matter? section b (1a-2c)


学习目标】1. 学习并掌握一些重点词汇,短语及其用法。

2. 学习如何谈论某人其他的难处并给出合理建议。



重点句型】what’s the matter?

you should go to bed early.



1. i’m very tplease give me some water.

2. we h**e too much homework to do every day. we’re sout.

3. tom is a little hhe wants to eat something.

4. i am tnow. i studied english last night.



难点点拨】stressed out 的意思是它是形容词性短语,常在句中作表语。例如:you are too stressed out .

you should relax yourself. 你太紧张了,你应当放松一下自己。

problem 的意思是。

想一想:problem 与question 的区别。


例如:a:what’s the matter with gina?

b: she is tired.

a: well, she should go to bed early. she shouldn’t go to the party.


1. tom isstress) out. he wants to rest.

2. i amtire) now. i studied late last night.

3. my mother alwaysgo) to bed early and gets up early.

4.--ifeel) well now.

--you should go to the doctor.

5. i think he shouldh**e) a good habit.

句型转换。1. he has a fever today. (对画线部分提问)

him today?

3. go to bed early. (改为否定句)。

to bed early.

4. she should go to the party. (改为否定句)

shego to the party.

5. you should drink a lot of hot water.(对画线部分提问)

i do?学后反思】


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