
发布 2023-01-05 16:27:28 阅读 7583

unit 7错题。


there will be a few阵雨)。

气温) can drop below zero in wuxi in children won’t go on a trip if tomorrow is有雨的).

the beginning, there was not muchbut later on it was gettingand

雾)bowl落下) down to the floor and the boy cried.

knows the sun升起) in the east and sets is the had a high发烧) and咳嗽) a looked糟糕的)and felt very bad.

likes noisy music. he play it veryloud).

speaks very softly. he should try to speakloud). the past, london was famous for as the city of雾).

the wind is吹) strongly.

father and mother love each otherdeep). you want to be theshine) star?

much toosnow) in my hometown this is thewind) month of the year in beijing.

a night’s work without sleep, he looked muchsleep).二、选择2*14

)1. are you sure it will betomorrow?

a. rainb. rainsc. rainyd. rained()2bad weather it is!

a. whatb. howc. what ad. how a

)3. we won’t visit yancheng nature reserve if ittomorrow.

a. is rainingb. will rainc. rainsd. rained

)4. look! all the babies are sleeping now. please speak in low

a. soundsb. noisec. voiced voices

)5do you feel on a cold winter morning?

a. whatb. howc. whichd. why

)6perfect time to share happiness with friends!

a. whatb. what ac. howd. how a

)7. there’re seldom birds in winter

a. aren’t thereb. aren’t theyc. are theyd. are there

)8. the weather report says there will bein nanjing.

a. a he**y rainb. he**y rainyc.

rainy he**ilyd. rain he**ily()9. the price of the caresa bit last month.

a. fellb. lowc. droppedd. fell down

)10. the sentence structure of“she always gives her seat on the bus to someone in need.”

is___a. s+v+pb. s+v+o

c. s+v+io+dod. s+v+do+oc

)11. millie’s dog builds campsher out of sticks.

a. forb. toc. ind. at

)12. in the north-east, the temperature will stay __zero in the daytime in spring.

a. upb. downc. belowd. above()13. if youlate for work, you may lose your job.

a. arriveb. reachc. get tod. arrive in

)14. the radio says the temperature will become muchtomorrow morning.

a. coldb. colderc. lowd. lower三、动词填空2*15

1. what a he**y rain last night! but the sunshine) brightly now.

2. she alwayshide) herself away in her office all day before.

3. the police searched the whole building butfind) nothing unusual.4.

what an amazing thing it istr**el) around the world in eight hours!5. one summer afternoon the temperaturerise) very quickly.

6. i saw himwalk) into a hospital at 8 yesterday.7harvest) crops, farmers work very hard.

8. he oftenbet) a lot of money on horses last year.9. mummake) supper when i got home.

10. some children seemlearn) two languages almost as easily as one.11.

the telephonering) ,but the president was too busyanswer) it.12. nobody knows whathappen) if the rainstorm comes tonight.

13. therebe) a talk show on cctv-4 at nine this evening, isn’t there?14.

therebe) a few showers for the rest of the week.

15. the sunshine) brightly in the morning and they left for school happily.四、完成句子2*11

1.昨天的雾没有今天的雾大。the weather yesterday2.冬天鸟儿飞向远方,去寻找温暖、明媚的天堂。

the birdswarm and sunny day.3.我永远不会忘记那些收割庄稼的甜蜜回忆。i will never4.他们喜欢在静静的小溪旁或树荫下玩耍。

they likeor5.那位妈妈用毛毯裹着她的宝宝。

that mothera blanket.6.明天温度将会降至零度以下。

thezero tomorrow.

7.大雪从早上一直下到晚上。the he**y snow8.昨晚我女儿发高烧,还咳嗽的厉害。

my daughterlast night.9.南京每年这个时节总是寒冷、干燥。

it’s alwaysin nanjing.10.后半周无锡的气温会保持在零度以上。

the weather in wuxifor11.在那些寒冷,多风的天气,我们外出时不得不用围巾遮面。

on those cold windy days, wewhen we went on.


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