
发布 2021-05-08 11:28:28 阅读 2188


1. too many 太多(可数) i h**e [,friends in this new school.

too much太多(不可数) don’t watch [,

much too 太 this dress is for you.

没有many too 这种表达。

2. another + 数字 give me apples

数字+ more we need money.

3. enough +名词 i h**e to do this work.

形容词+enough he is to go to school.

4. a few (一点) few(几乎没有) 可数。

there are in the fridge.

a little (一点) little(几乎没有) 不可数。

there is in the bottle, please give me some.

5. sound /smell / taste / feel / look / seem(连系动词)+形容词。

the fish

6. 花钱。

i this book.

i this book

this book costs me ten yuan

7. so+形容词/ 副词+that 与such+名词初中+that区别 (如此……以至于)

he is he can play football for hours.

he is he can play football for hours.


how +形容词/副词 +主语 +谓语!the news is!

what +名词词组+主语 +谓语! [it is!


put up张贴; 举起; 建造 eat up 吃光 tidy up收拾好 give up放弃 look up向上看

get up起床 wake up叫醒 make up构成,编写 take up占据 clean up 清理干净。

10 加动词ing形式。

h**e difficulty doing sth (做某事有困难) look forward to dong sth(期待做…)

pay attention to doing sth(注意devote… to doing sth(献给做…)

prefer doing to doing (宁愿做…而不做…)

practice doing(练习做…) finish doing(做完**oid doing(避免做…)

give up doing (放弃做…) be busy doing(忙于做…)

11. 名词性物主代词(其后不接名词)与形容词性物主代词(其后需接名词)

whose books are they? they are mine (yours /hers/ ours /theirs)

whose books are they? they are my (your/ her /our/ their) books

12. because (接句子)与because of(接名词词组)

i was late [,

i was late [,

13. 常见谚语。

east or west, home is the best 金窝银窝不如自己狗窝。

the early bird catches the worm早起的鸟儿有虫吃,捷足者可先得。

many hands make light work人多好办事;

don’t put all your eggs in one basket. 不要把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里。

a friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。

no pain, no gain没有付出就没有收获。

actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩;

when it rains, it always pours. 祸不单行。

when in rome, do as a roman do 入乡随俗。

14. something anything nothing 等复合不定代词需位于形容词前。

i h**e to tell you. 不能出现 important something

there must be in the news. 不能出现special nothing

15. so that接句子 in order to 接动词原形表示目的(为了)

we get up early

we get up early

16. if 如果(主将从现)we won’t fly kites tomorrow.

if 是否(根据时间)we don’t know tomorrow.

17.(excited bored interested surprised等)常修饰人,exciting boring interesting surprising等)常修饰事、物。

] when you watch

18. 比较级前可用 a bit, a little, much, far, even等词来修饰,表示程度。

china is than japan. he is than i am.

19. 注意整十数复数与序数词形式的区别如:twenty --twenties(二十几) -twentieth(第二十)

fifty --fifties(五十几) -fiftieth(第五十)

20. 定语从句练习。

the problem [{t': span', c': we pay attention tosolve) already

he does all his work [{t': span', c': he canhelp)the poor

the life in the countryside [{t': span', c': we were used tochange) greatly already


take(带走) bring(带来forgot(忘记事) left(忘记物)

through(内部穿过) across(表面穿过)


初一上册。考点扫描 中考考点在本单元主要集中在 1.动词be的用法 2.人称代词和物主代词的用法 3.名词的单复数和所有格的用法 4.冠词的基本用法 5.there be句型的用法。某地有某物。6.本单元学过的词汇 短语和句型 7.本单元学过的日常交际用语。考试形式可以是单项填空 完型填空 短文填空...


重点短语梳理。units 1 4 七年级上册。1.进行野餐 go on a picnic2.来自南京 come be from nanjing 3.擅长数学 be good at do well in maths 4.一月两次 twice a month 5.过得愉快 玩得开心 h e a good...

初中英语 中考常见高频动词短语

一。动词 副词。out 取出 out吹灭 up 清扫 收拾干净 up 使高兴起来 back 回来 去 out 花 开 出来 出版 over 顺便来访 out 核实 检查 9 eat up 吃光 behind 落后 down 跌倒 12 give back 退还 back 取回 over 克服 on上...