新目标英语八年级 上 期中试题

发布 2022-12-30 06:12:28 阅读 4942


一. 词语释义(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


)1. my mother bought a lot of eggs and vegetables yesterday.

a. some b. much c. any d. many

)2. -how are you today? -i'm well. thank you. what about you?

a. good b. fine c. ill d. happy

)3. you are free today; why not go shopping with me?

a. buy things from shops b. borrow things from shops

c. le**e things in the shops d. sells things in shops

)4. i'm sorry. i'm babysitting my little sister the whole day.

a. all the time b. every day c. all day d. another day

)5. the chinese teacher does well in speaking japanese.

a. enjoys b. is interested in c. has some fun d. is good at

二. 单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)


)6. we must __the room every day.

a. clean b. cleans c. to clean d. cleaning

)7. miss li wants us __her.

a. help b. to help c. helping d. helps

)8. -i don't feel well. i h**e a cold

a. that's ok. b.

i’m sorry to hear that. c. are you really ill?

d. that's great.

)9. there is only __water in the glass.

a. a few b. few c. a little d. little

)10. -what are you doing for vacation? -i __time with my family.

a. spend b. spends c. am spending d. spent

)11. what do you think __english class?

a. about c. of c. ond. for

)12. -can i help you

a. you are good. b. you can help me. c. yes, you can. d. yes, please.

)13. i h**e __homework this weekend.

a. too much b. much too c. too many d. many too

)14. please call study center __443-5667 for more information.

a. atb. onc. ind. for

)15. we both enjoy __to the party.

a. go b. going c. goes d. to go

)16. i'm not very __although i h**e one __habit.

a. health, health b. healthy, healthy c. healthy, health d. health, healthy

)17. drinking some water __very good for you.

a. areb. isc. bed. am

)18. he listened, but he __nothing.

a. heard b. hears c. listened d. listened to

)19are you staying in tibet? -just for four days.

a. how far b. how much c. how long d. how many

)20. i'm going to school __friday night.

a. inb. atc. ford. on

)21. -how long __it __you to get form home to school? -it takes 25 minutes.

a. did, takes b. does, take c. does, takes d. do, take

)22. this time i want to do __

a. anything different b. different something

c. something different d. different anything

)23. the little girl can __english very well.

a. sayb. talkc. telld. speak

)24. my friends are different __me.

a. fromb. withc. ond. for

)25. i am very busy, and i __visit you this week.

a. am not b. can't c. didn'td. may

三. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)


___26__ north america, most students go to school __27__ the school bus. some students also walk or __28__ bikes to school. in other parts of the world, things __29_ difficult.

in japan, most students take trains to school, though others also walk or ride __30__ bikes. in china, it depends __31__ where you are. in big __32_, students usually ride bikes to school __33 _ takes buses.

and in places where there __34_ rivers and lakes, like hongshanhu and kaishandao, students usually go to school by __35__.that must be a lot more fun than taking a bus!

)26. a. from b. onc. ind. at

)27. a. byb. takec. ond. in

)28. a. rideb. takec. drive d. rides

)29. a. isb. amc. bed. are

)30. a. hisb. herc. ourd. their

)31. a. withb. onc. ford. about

)32. a. cities b. cityc. countries d. country

)33. a. orb. andc. butd. so

)34. a. isb. arec. bed. am

)35. a. carb. subway c. biked. boat

四. 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)


lin fei's home is about 10 kilometers from school. he gets up at six o'clock every day, showers and has a quick breakfast. then he le**es for school at six thirty.

first, he rides his bicycle to the bus station. that takes about 10 minutes. then the early bus takes him to school.

the bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes.


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