
发布 2022-12-20 22:49:28 阅读 4331



第一节、listen to the sentences and choose the correct responses


) 1. a. sureb. i’m glad to hear that. c. i’m sorry to hear that

) 2. a. thank you. b. sure, i’d love toc. not at all.

) 3. a. on the 12th . b. for four daysc. twice a week.

) 4. a. by busb. on mondayc. at 7:00.

) 5. a. that’s ok. b. my sisterc. i ’m sorry.

第二节、listen to the conversation and find the proper answers.


) 1. a. because she isn't busyb. because she is not free.

c. because she is illd. because she is hungry.

) 2. a. women's day.

b. children's day. c.

teachers' day. d. new ear's day.

)3. a.15 minutes. b.50 minutes. c.10 minutes. d.25 minutes.

) 4. a. billb. li leic. johnd. bill and li lei.

)5. a. by bikeb. on footc. by busd. we don’t know.


a b cde


)1. john lives six miles from school .

)2. john always rides his bike to school .

)3. it takes john twenty minutes .

)4. tom walks to school .

( )5. they usually get to school early .


1、tim is a funny boy . he always makes us l___

2、li yuchun is a f___singer now .many young people like her very much.

3、amy is more beautifulher sister.

4、usually i r___my bike to the bus stution.

5、don’t w___about old for your u___


) must tryless food.

eat ) eating habbits are really good.

say so. you.

welcome. at all.

) jenny g**e uson how to learn english well.

advices advices

advice advice

) shouldn’t eatfor 24 hours.

food ) isnoise in the street, and it’snoisy.

much , much too b. much too , too much

many , much too d. too much , too many

)6do the students h**e a class a week ?

once or twice.

long many often far

) difficultthis work today.


) about __to the park with us ?

)9do they come to school ?

theythe subway.

c. how,take

)10.--tommorrow is your birthdayh**e a party?

good idea!

don’t about about not

)11.--what___you___next sunday?

i h**e a piano lesson.

) weekend , he went the shop anda computer .

a. buy c. buyingd. to buy

) is___than zhengzhou.

big bigger

) grandma is good___english.

speak speaking

)15he is a little boy,he plays soccer very well.


1、she should eats more vegetables.

a b c d

2、he wants to spend a exciting vacation.

a b c d

3、thank you very much for help me.

ab c d

4、can you come to my birthday party ? sure,i’d love.

a bcd5、our english teacher often go to work by a car .


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