八年级英语上期中试题 含答案 7

发布 2023-01-06 14:58:28 阅读 2675








一. 听力(本题有15小题,第一节每小题1分、第二节。、第三节每小题2分,计25分)


) does the girl want to improve?

a. bc.

) city are they talking about?

a. b. c.

) sport does the boy like best?

a. b. c.

) the time now?

a. b. c.

) may the dialogue happen?

a. b. c.

第二节: 听长对话, 选择正确答案, 回答问题。 共5 小题, 每小题1 分, 计5分).

听第一段长对话, 回答6—7 两小题。

)6. who does the man borrow the books for?

a. his wifeb. his student c. his son

)7. how are the two books mentioned (提到 ) in the dialogue?

a. easyb.

听第一段长对话, 回答8— 10 两小题。

) did mrs green do at lao she teahouse?

a. she saw beijing opera. b.

she had some tea. c. she saw beijing opera and had some tea.

)9. when will mr brown go to lao she teahouse?

a. todayb. tomorrow c. now

) will mr brown go to lao she teahouse?

a. by carb. by busc. by taxi

第三节: 听一段介绍,请根据介绍内容从三个选项中选择正确的选项, 完成信息记录表。( 共5 小题, 每小题2 分, 计10 分).

)11. a. computer b. computer science c. science computer

)12. drawing

)13. a. football volleyball

)14. a. maths b. sciencec. chinese

)15. a. boring b. excitingc. interesting


一、 单项选择(10分)

) 16.— is taiwan __island in the east of china?

yes. millions of tourists come to visit it every year.

a. a b. an c. thed. /

).17. –do you know hangzhou?

of course. it __the beautiful west lake.

famous forb. is careful with

good atd. is bad for

) 18.--how about __tv at home? -it’s too __let’s go to the movie.

a. watch;interesting b. watching;boring c. watched;popular d. to watch;fantastic

) 19.--is the population of shanghai --thirteen million people, i think..

a. how b. how many c. whatd. how long

) 20.—wow! what a beautiful dress!

thank you. it __me 120 rmb.

b. usesc. spends d. pays

) 21.—langlang will hold a concert in shanghai next week.

—really? i hope __the concert.

a. gob. going c. went go

) 22. the more you go swimming, _you will be.

a. healthy b. the healthier c. the healthiest d. healthiesr

) 23.—which is __from the earth, the moon, the sun or the mars?

—the moon, of course.

a. farther b. the farthest c. nearer d. the nearest

) 24. miss hu is a __teacher, and she works very __

a. good; well b. well;well c. well; good d. good; good

) 25.—tony and i are going to visit beijing tomorrow

a. good idea b. that’s all right a nice trip d. never mind


a poor farmer had a friend who was famous for the wonderful apples he grew. one day, his friend __26__ him a young tree and told him to take it home and plant it..

seeing the gift, the farmer was very pleased, and he thought he would also h**e a lot of wonderful apples. _27__ when he got home, he felt worried. he didn’t know how to plant it.

he thought over and over and __28__ every place he could think of. _29__ he decided to plant the tree in his woods. there were many high trees with thick le**es in the woods.

with those trees __30__ no one else could see the young apple tree. he even felt proud of himself for finding so __31_ a place for the apple tree. every day he went to take care of the tree, watering it.

to his surprise and __32__,the apple tree didn’t grow as he expected. it died without sunlight and good soil.

八年级地理期中试题 含答案

时间 60分钟分值 100分。班级姓名 一 选择题 下面每小题只有一个正确答案,每小题2分,共计40分 1.从纬度位置看,我国大部分地区位于 a.北温带b.南温带c.热带d.北寒带。2 我国西部的主要地形是 a.高原 盆地和丘陵 b.山地 盆地和丘陵c.山地 高原和盆地 d.高原 平原和盆地。3 我...


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