
发布 2022-12-28 18:08:28 阅读 5694

book 3 module1 how to learn english

一、 教学内容:unit1 let’s try to speak english as much as possible.

二、 课型:listening and speaking

三、 教学目标:

1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组: dictionary, grammar, letter, look up, make a mistake, understand等。



四、 教学重难点:


五、 教学准备:



六、 教学过程:

七、 板书设计:

you should speak english as much as possible.

why don’t you write down the mistakes?

how about listening to the english songs?


单项选择:1. why not __off our mobile phones. the meeting will start in a minute.

a. to turnb. turningc. turnd. turned

2. -i’ll fly to kunming for my holiday for holiday this weekend.21cnjy


a. not at all b. h**e a good time c. i hope so d. with pleasure

3. -would you come back to h**e dinner with us this evening?

---i’d love to, _i h**e an important meeting . 21世纪21cnjy教育网。

a. andb. orc. sod. but

4. tomorrow is my son’s __birthday, will you come to the birthday party?

a. nineb. nineteen c. ninth d. the ninth

5. -sally, could you give me someon learning english ?

---of course . you 'd better get much listening practice.2121cnjy世纪教育网。

a. advice b. newsc. giftsd. ways.

6would you like ?

---that 's all . thank you.

a. else how. b. what else. c. how else 21cnjy d. else what

7. how about __our mistakes in red ink ?21世纪教育网。

a. to correct. b. correcting. c. correctsd. correct.

8. peter , take your notebook out and

a. write down itb. write down them. 21cnjy

c. write it downd. write they down .

9. -let' s go swimming21世纪教育网。

a. that' s a good ideab. i ' m sorry to hear that.

c. best wishesd. h**e a good time.21cnjy

10. if you h**e some trouble, why __you ask help from the police.

a. not b. don’t c. dod. are.

book 3 module1 how to learn english

一、教学内容:unit 2 you should smile at her

二、课型:reading and writing


1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组:advise、basic、conversation、improve、natural、meaning、suggest、should、ask for











一。 按照句子意思,填入恰当的词。

1. do you know how tomy english?2.

try to __the meaning of the new words.3. our school has ateacher.

4to lock the door when you le**e the house.5. i enjoy w___english films and l___to real english songs.


1. i likeenglish in the morning.

a. read b. to read c.

reading d. read2. my friends ask for advice abouttheir english.

a. improve b. to improve c.

improving d. improved3. it takes me a long timethe tv play.

a. watch b. to watch c. watching d. watched4. it’s a good wayenglish.

a. learn b. to learn c. learning d. learnt5. trythese words, please.


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教学反思 1 巧妙导入。熟话说得好 良好的开端,成功的一半。2 学习过程同时也是发现归纳的过程。学生是学习的主体,不但要跟随教师学习,也应在学习过程中善于归纳总结,自己得出结论。所学的知识才印象深刻,牢固掌握。把别人的知识经验变成自己的知识经验。我在处理how much与how many的区别用法时...


教学反思。本节阅读课是人教版八年级英语上册unit 3 section b 的第二课时,是对section a及 section b第一课时所学内容的综合运用,主要内容为语篇阅读和书面表达能力的训练。本节课的教学环节分为读前,读中,读后三个大的环节。读前通过歌曲,等资源创设情境,复习谈论朋友,从学生...