
发布 2022-12-26 10:10:28 阅读 8974

八年级下册重要知识点练习(unit 1) section a

1. 你怎么了。

我感冒了。/ 我咽喉疼痛。/ 我肚子疼。

2. what’s the matter with you? (同义句转换)

3. 昨天我讲的太多,但是她讲的太少。

i talkedyesterday but she talked

4. thought i didn’t h**efriends, i h**ework to do.( too much/ too many )

5. 我有足够的时间去做家庭作业。她年龄够大去上学了。

i h**edo my homework. she isgo to school.


i am feelingbecause i didn’t

7.我也不能吃一些东西。i can’t eat

8. i h**e cough and a sore throat. what should i do?

you should喝一些含蜂蜜的热茶)

9. i h**e a toothache, i think i h**e toand看牙医然后拍张x光)

10. it sounds like you h**e a fyou should take your temperature.

11. you need toaway from the computer, or your head and neck still __tomorrow. (你需要远离电脑休息,不然你的头和颈子明天仍然会疼的)

12. i think i can sitfor too long


13. the driver saw an old manlie) on the side of the road and helped him right away.

14. a womanwas shouting一个在他旁边的妇女正在大声呼喊救命)

二十岁的) bus driver stopped the bus毫不犹豫)

16.他下车然后询问发生什么事了。hethe bus and asked

17. he expected most of the passengersget off) andwait for ) the next bus.

18. but令我吃惊的是),they all agreego) with him.

19. thanks for yourhelp).

20mr. wang and the passengers, the doctors s**ed the man


21. i h**e some troublework ) out the question.

22. people don’t want to help others because they don’t want to陷入麻烦之中)

23. he was in tso we swam out to s**e him.

24. i h___myself playing basketball.

25. i felt hyesterday.

26. suddenly a ball hme in the face.

27. in the football match, jim got hon the head.

28. the doctor told mygive upsmoke).

section b

29. aron is an american man who is interested inclimb) mountains.

30a mountainhe is used to作为一名登山者,他习惯冒险)

31. this is one of the most excitingthing), aboutdo) dangerous sports.

32. aron almost lost his life because of accidents. (同义句转换)

the waterhe knew that he woulddo somethinghis life. (当水用完时,他知道他将必须做点事情来挽救自己的性命。)

34. to s**e his own life, he had to coff half his right arm under a 360- kilo rock.

35. he bandaged himselfhe would nottoo much


36. missing the train means错过这列火车等一个小时)

37. he meanttake) up a hobby, like playing chess.

38. please tell of the importance ofmake) a good decision and the importance ofbe) in control of one’s life.

39. he is so young that he can’t go to school.( 同义句转换)

he isyounggo to school. =he isgo to school.

40. he was very tired, but he kept onwork).

41. do we h**espirit __aron ? 你有和aron一样的精神吗?)

42. the boy couldn’t go to school because his fathers died. (同义句转换)

the boy couldn’t go to school because of his father’s

43. that sounds like a good idea. (同义句转换)

the idea sounds


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