八年级下册第五单元 2

发布 2022-12-23 06:14:28 阅读 7795

unit 5 if you go to the party,you’ll h**e a great time!


1. h**e a great time=h**e a good time

=h**e fun =enjoy oneself1、过得高兴;玩得愉快。

2. let sb in / out 让某人进去/出来。

3. what will happen if they h**e the party today?

half the class won’t come.如果他们今天开晚会,将会发生什么事? 一半的学生将不会来。

4. a good time to h**e a party 4开聚会的好时间。

5. the rules for school parties 学校聚会规则。

6. take sth away 把某物拿走。

7. bring friends from other schools /another school 带外校的朋友来。

8. ask sb to le**e 叫某人离开。

9. go to the old people’s home visit去老人之家拜访。

10. tr**el around the world 环游世界。

11. go to college 上大学。

12. make /earn /get (a lot of/much) money挣(许多)钱。

13. get an education接受教育。

14. seem like a dream job 好像是一份理想的工作。

15. make a living doing something you love做你喜欢的事谋生。

16. give money to schools and charities捐钱给学校和慈善机构。

17. watch you all the time一直关注着你。

18. follow you everywhere/ here and there处处跟着你。

19. make life difficult使生活艰难。

20. play sports for a living从事运动为生。

21. get / be injured受伤

23. complain sb about (doing) sth因(做)某事而抱怨某人。

24. tr**el a lot/much大量旅行。

28. let in允许进入,允许参加。

29. join the lions加入雄狮队。

30. professional athlete职业运动员。

31. in fact事实上。

32. reasons for…支持……的理由。

33. reasons against…反对……的理由。

34. laugh at…嘲笑……

35. dye one’s hair+颜色词染……色头发。

36. the soccer agent足球经纪人。

37. the school principal学校规章制度。

38. play party games玩聚会游戏。

39. wear jeans穿牛仔裤。

40. money isn’t everything.钱不是万能的。

二、 重点难点分析。

1. too much 和 much too

too much 后接不可数名词,用来表示数量太多,意思是“……太多了(数量多)”;much too后接形容词,用来说明程度的,意思是“太……(程度深)”如:

much too he**y 太重了 (表程度)

错误:he has drunk much too water.

正确:he has drunk too much water. 他喝了太多的水。(修饰不可数名词,表数量)

2. be famous for 和 be famous as

be famous for表示“因……而出名”, for后接表示出名的原因;be famous as则表示“以……身份而著名”,as 后接职业、身份或地位,表示作为……职业、身份或地位是著名的,如:

france is famous for its fine food and wine. 法国以其佳肴和美酒著名。

france is famous as a romantic country. 法国作为一个浪漫的国家而出名。

3. i want you to remember the rules for school parties.


want do sth. 想让某人做某事。

4. tr**el around the world 周游世界。

her dream is to tr**el around china. 她的梦想是周游全中国。

5. if we h**e it today, half the class won’t come.


won’t 是 will not 的缩写。

if 从句用一般现在时,表示假设,主语用一般将来时。

for becoming a professional athlete 赞同成为一名职业运动员的理由。

for prep. (表示赞成、支持),其反义词为against

eg. are you for his plan or against it? 你是赞成还是反对他的计划?

which team did you vote for? 你投票给哪一个队(组)?

against becoming a professional athlete 反对成为一名职业运动员的理由。

against prep. 反对,与…对抗。


eg. are you against my plan? 你反对我的计划吗?

our played against no.1 middle school at basketball yesterday. 我校和一中昨天比赛篮球。

the story with the words.以这些话开头讲这个故事。

begin … with… “以…开始(开头)”

eg. the word begins with “s”.这个词以“s”开头。

does he know that a year begins with january?

9. consequence 后果、结果

eg. we should consider the consequences before doing.

10. h**e a great time 玩得高兴。

11. take away 运走,取走

eg. don't take it away. i'll use it. 不要将它拿走,我要用。

12. make a living 谋生

v makes living as a driver. 他以开车谋生。

13. make money 挣钱

eg. after he became famous, he made lots of money.

14. let in 允许……进入,嵌入

eg. don’t let the beggar in. 不要让那个乞丐进来。


1. for many young people, becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job.


might (表示可能性,推测)

might do 或许,说不定(一般表示比may 较低的可能性)

eg. she might win the prize .她或许会获得那个奖。

the child might be home already.那孩子说不定已回家了。

seem like+ 名词好像…,似乎…

it seems like years since we last met. 我们似乎好几年不见了。

2. you'll be able to make a living doing something you love.你能做你喜欢的事来谋生。

be able to +动词原形,“有能力做某事”

she is able to learn english well. 她能学好英语。

doing something you love.做你喜爱的事。

you love 定语,修饰前面的something。

3. people all over the world will know you.全世界的人将会认识你。

all over the world 作定语,修饰它前面的名词people。

4. this is a great chance that many people do not h**e.


that many people do not h**e是一个定语从句,修饰它前面的chance。

great (表示程度,放在名词之前)非常的,异乎寻常的。

eg. a great talk 健谈的人。

she is a great friend of mine. 她是我非常要好的朋友。

5. watch you all the time and follow you everywhere.一直看着你,你走到哪都跟着你。

all the time 一直。

eg. look! the monkeys are running and jumping all the time.看,猴子们一直在跑在跳。

everywhere 副词(adv.)到处。

i've looked everywhere for it.为了找它,我到处找了个遍。

the dog followed him everywhere.无论在哪,那狗都跟着他。

6. get injured =be injured 受伤。


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