八年级英语下册1 2单元复习

发布 2022-12-23 06:16:28 阅读 2824

八下unit1-2 复习。

unit 1

1你怎么了what’s wrong with you?=what’s the matter with you?

2头疼/肚子疼/牙疼/嗓子疼/背疼 h**e a headache/stomachache/toothache/sore throat/back

3感冒/发烧h**e a fever

3 割伤自己cut oneself

4 伤到自己hurt oneself

5讲话太多talk too much

6躺下休息lie down and rest

7喝一些带蜂蜜的热茶drink hot tea with honey

8看牙医go to the dentist

9做x光检查get an x-ray

10量体温take one’s (my,your,his,her,our,their)temperature

11在伤口上敷药put some medicine on...

12需要做某事need to do sth

13休息take breaks=take a break=h**e a rest

14以同一个姿势坐着sit in the same way

15一动不动without moving(with介词+doing)

16看到某人正在做某see sb doing sth

17一名24岁的司机a 24-year-old driver

18没多想without thinking twice

19下车/上车get off/on

20 某事发生在某人身上sth happen to sb

21某人恰巧做某事sb happen to do sth

22等待某人wait for sb

23另某人吃惊的是to one’s (my,his,her,our,their)surprise

24同意做某事agree to do sth

25同意某人agree with sb

26多亏了thanks to

27及时in time

28准时on time

29考虑think about

30 立刻马上right way=at once

31陷入困境get into trouble

32做某事有困难、麻烦h**e problems/trouble doing sth

33撞到头部get hit on the head

34查询查阅look up

35做某事有问题h**e problems doing sth

36写下,记下write down

37对…..感兴趣be interested in=take an interest in

38习惯做某事be used to doing sth

过去used to do sth

39冒险take risks=take a risk

40因为,由于because of

41在2024年四月六日on april 26,2003

42希望的用法hope to do/hope that...

43准备好做某事/ 乐意做某事 be ready to do sth

44切断cut off

45用某物做某事use sth to do sth

46以至于,为的是so that

47seem的用法seem to do /be, it seems that...seem+adj, seem like+n

48...的重要性the importance of

49做决定make a decision =make decisions

50掌管,管理be in control of

51考虑think about

52 用完,用尽run out of

53放弃give up

54介意做某事mind doing sth

55进来come in

56从。出来get out of

57整个周末all weekend

58失去生命lose one’s life

unit21清扫,打扫clean up

2希望做某事hope to do sth

3在外面工作out outside

4生病的孩子sick kids

5变得高兴cheer up

6分发,散发hand out=give out

7想出,提出come up with

8离现在两周two weeks from now

9推迟put off/put off doing sth

10张贴put up

11打**给某人call up

12帮助…..摆脱困难help out

13过去…曾经used to...

14照顾,照料look after=take care of

15需要做某事need to do sth

16放弃give up

17如此强烈的一种满足感such a strong feeling of satisfaction

such +a/an+adj+n

18参加选拔try out for

19实现,变为现实come true

20同时at the same time

21忙于某事be busy with sth

22忙于做某事be busy doing sth

23用完用尽用光run out of

24(外貌或行为)像take after=be similar to

25修理fix up

26赠送,捐赠give away

27与….相似的be similar to

28给某人写信write to sb

29建立,设立set up

30对…有把握be sure about


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