
发布 2022-08-18 07:09:28 阅读 1689

unit 1 what’s the matter?一、本单元重点句型:

1、what‘s the matter(with you)?2、= what‘s the trouble (with you)?3、= what‘s wrong (with you)?


(me/her/him/us/them)答语:i h**e a stomachache.我胃痛。

h**e a cold感冒。

h**e a (high)fever发(高)烧。

h**e a cough/cough咳嗽。

h**e a sore back背痛。

h**e a sore throat喉咙痛h**e a toothache牙痛h**e a headache头痛。

h**e a heart problem有心脏病h**e a nosebleed流鼻血。

h**e a serious accident遇到严重的意外。

h**e problems breathing呼吸困难hurt oneself受伤fall down摔倒。

feel sick感到恶心feel very hot感到很热。

cut oneself割伤某人自己cut his knee割伤他的膝盖hurt his back伤到了后背。

get hit on the head头部挨打get hit by a ball被球击中。

get sunburned晒伤talk too much说得太多。

2、--what should i do?我该怎么办呢?



drink enough water喝足够的水drink hot tea with honey喝加蜂蜜的热茶lie downand rest躺下来休息take breaks/take a break休息rest for a few days休息几天getsome rest休息see a dentist看牙医go to a doctor看医生go to the hospital去医院getanx-ray拍x光片takeone‘s(my/your/her/his/)temperature量体温putsomemedicineonsth.在?上敷药putabandageonsth.

用绷带包扎bandagehimself给他自己包扎put her head down把她的头下低run it under water在水流下冲洗。

3、(1)、should i put some medicine on it?我应该在它上面敷些药吗?

yes, you should./ no, you shouldn‘t.是的,你应该。/不,你不应该。

2)、do you h**e a fever?你发烧了吗?yes, i do.

/ no, i don‘t./ i don‘t he h**e a toothache?他牙痛吗?

yes, he does. /no, he doesn‘t.二、同义词组:

1、on the weekend =on weekends周末。

2、right away=at once= right now = in a minute立刻;马上。

3、(all) by oneself= alone单独。

4、h**e a good/great time=h**e a good day=h**e fun=enjoy oneself玩得高兴,过得愉快。

5、get to= arrive in+大地点/ at+小地点=reach到达。

6、beinterestedin(sth/doingsth.) take/h**eaninterestin(sth/doingsth.)对?感兴趣。

7、be sick /ill= fall ill生病8、run out (of) =use up用完。

三、1、away from远离2、next to紧挨着。


4、go along沿着?走5、on the side of the road在马路边。

6、mountain climbing登山运动7、go mountain climbing去爬山。


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