
发布 2022-12-21 16:32:28 阅读 8901


nit 1 playing sports

1. see sth.看见某人做某事,表示动作已经完成或经常发生。

2. see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事,表示动作正在进行。

i saw himenglish every morning last term.(read)

this morning i saw himenglish in the classroom.(read)

3.一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示将来的时间状语连用,像tomorrow明天, next time下次, next week下星期, in the future将来,in+一段时间等等。

结构: be going to + v 原形或be;

will + v 原形或be;

there be 句型的一般将来时:

there is going to be +单数名词 + 其它; there is going to be a football game next sunday.

there are going to be +复数名词 + 其它 there are going to be some concerts next month.

there will be +单数名词/复数名词+ 其它 there will be a soccer game the day after tomorrow.

thereanother relay race in two hours. a. is going to h**e be

4 prefer +doing sth. 更喜欢做某事。

prefer + doing sth to doing sth. 与……相比,更喜欢做某事

prefer +名词+ to+ 名词与……相比,更喜欢某物。

she preferplay) the guitar towatch) tv.

she likes playing the guitar better than watching tv.

“加入” 成为某个组织或团体的一员,加入某人的行列中去。

take part in + 活动/比赛=join in +活动= 参加某项活动=be in +活动

i’d like tothe english club. a. join b. take part in c. join in d. be in

6. 三到达: 到达 arrive in +大地点arrive at + 小地点

get to + 地点reach +地点

home, here , there时,到达的后面不加任何的介词,arrive(get/reach) here/there/home.

when did hebeijing last week? a. arrive in b. arrive at c. get d. reach to

7. le**e for 动身去某地 = go to 常用现在进行时表示一般将来时,类似的词还有 come ,go, arrive,等。

they are le**ing for kunming in two days.

8. 四花费:

a. sb. +spend + 时间、金钱+ (in) doing sth. 某人花时间或钱做某事。

sb. +spend +时间、金钱+on sth. 某人花时间或钱在某物上

she spent 10 days (in) reading the novel.(read)

she spent 200 yuan on the bike.

b. sb pay+金钱 for sth she paid 200 yuan for the bike.

c. sth cost sb +金钱 the bike cost her 200 yuan.

d. it takes/took sb +时间+to do sth : 做某事花费了某人多少时间

it took her 10 days to read the novel. it takes me half an hour to finish my math homework.

9. be good at + n./ doing sth. 擅长于某事、做某事; 反义词: be not good at

do well in + n./ doing sth. 在某方面做的好反义词: do badly in

she is good at jumping.= she does well in jumping.

keep +sb. sth. +形容词, 使、让……处于某种状态

listening to music makes me relax.

you’d better not keep the windows open.

11.动名词作主语时,谓语动词用单三形式(is/ v单三)

running is good for legs, heart and lungs.

learn) a foreign language is important for us.

12. it’s a good / season / time to do sth. 做某事的好季节(时间)

it’s the best time to do sth.

it’s a good way to do sth做某事的好方式 walking is good way to keep heaithy.

13、cheer sb. on 为某人加油 would you like to cheer us on? cheer on sth. 为某事喝彩。

14、do you practice dancing much? much= often practice+doing

15、one (some, many, most) of +名词复数… “之一(一些、许多、绝大部分)

one of the best players is 2.06 meters tall. win-winner, run- runner,

an hour 半小时

17. excited—exciting: it’s an exciting gamewe are excited about the game.

interested—interested: the book is very interesting. all of us are interested in it.

tiring—tired: too much tr**eling is tiringshe felt very tired and slept soon.

结论:exciting “令人兴奋的” 物作主语或修饰物 interesting 令人感兴趣的,物作主语或修饰物。

excited “对……感到兴奋” 人作主语 interested 对……感兴趣 ( 人作主语)

18. be sure to do sth 一定/肯定要做某事 she is sure to win the girls’ 800-meter race.


1、为……加油2. 长大3.将来4. 到达

5.与…..比赛6. 动身去某地 7.后天8.参加



15.对……有好处16.保持健康17. 放弃18.做运动。

the summer/winter holiday(vacation) 在暑假/寒假期间。

you please +v原…? would you please +v原please + do


could/would please clean the classroom?

sb. a f**or = give sb. a hand = help sb.帮助某人。

you mind doing sth? 你……介意? 这是英文中婉转请求的表达方式之一,语气委婉、客气、礼貌,易被对方接受。

否定式:would you mind not doing sth? “别做……好吗?”

回答时,如果要拒绝对方的提议,往往用i’m sorry… 或 i’m afraid you’d better not . 恐怕你最好别做。如同意对方的提议用 no, not at all / of course not / never mind / certainly not .


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