
发布 2022-07-23 13:05:28 阅读 5583









1. 你收集贝壳多长时间了?

2. 自从五年前我就开始滑冰了。

3. 我已经用完了储存它们的空了。

4. 你介意调小**吗?

5. 你介意不在这里打棒球吗?

6. 为什么不给她买条围巾呢?

7. 你曾收到的最好的礼物什么?

8. 狗很难照顾。

9. 你曾去过娱乐园吗?

10. 我将考虑做一名英语老师而不是导游。

11. 有时成为学校的一名新成员不容易。

12. 觉得自己成了大伙中的一员了。

13. 在你过马路之前你要左右看看。

14. 像你这样的朋友是我在异地的相处变得容易。

3a填空:1)i'm talking to you from the hilltop school skating marathon here , students areskate)toraise)money for charity. for every hour they skate , each studentraise) ten yuan for charity .

the skating marathongo) for five hours now , and severalskate) are still skating alison was the first onestart) ,and hasskate) for the whole five hours . next is sam , and he has been skating for four hours . lu ning has been skating for four hours too , and li chen juststart ) an hour ago .

2)thanks for (1) me the snow globe (2) the monster i love it . in fact i think it's probably my f**orite. i(3) snow globes for seven years , and now i h**e 226 of them .

my mom says i (4) stop , because we've (5) out of room to store them . they're all around our apartment . i even store them in boxes under my bed .

the first one i ever got was a birthday cake snow globe on my (6) birthday . i particularly love globes (7) animals . i h**e a big one with bears in it , and (8) one with penguins .

if you know anyone else who (9) them , please tell me . i'd like to start a snow globe collectors' club . 10) the way , what's your hobby ?

to send b. sending c. sent at b. with c. of

been collecting b. h**e collect c. collected

to b. should c. h**e to 5. b. running c. run

b. seven's c. seven with b. of c. in

b. the other c. another 9. b. collected on

3)i don't likewait)in line when a shopkeeperh**e) a long telephone conversation. when ithappen),i often say, "would you mindhelp) me?" and i don't likefollow) me around when i'mshop).

then i say, "could you pleasenot follow )me around? iask)you if i need some help. usually the shopkeepers say they are sorry, but sometimes, they are angry with me.

by the way, some shopkeepers get the wrong goods by mistake, when that happens, i __not go )back to that shop again.

i getannoy) when someonetalk) to me while i 'm reading .this happens to me all the time in the library when it happens. i usually talk to the person because i wantbe) polite.

but because i’m polite ,people don't know i'm annoyed .so they do the same thing again .perhaps in the future itrynot be) so polite.

4)everyonelike) gifts. some little kids thinknot get) enough gifts. some old people think they get too many gifts.

differentpeople )like different kinds of gifts. some presents are never too small. a little childgive) his mother a leaf from a tree.

it is enough __make) her very happy.

giftgive) is different in differentcountry).in japan, people sometimes give special gifts. but they are notopen).

later, the same gift may begive) away to someone else. many people h**e enough things andnot want )too many gifts themselves. in canada, many people will not give big gifts to someone else.

theypay) for a park bench or a tree to help remember a person. in the usa , some people ask their families and friendsgive) money to charity rather than buy them gifts. in swedendo)something for someone is the best gift.

people don't needspend )too much money. insteadmake) a meal is enough.

5)when i was a young girl, all i everwant) to do was tr**el, and i decided that the best waydo )this wasbecome) a flight attendant. ibe) a flight attendant for two years now. it’s a really interesting job because i tr**el all over the world.

idiscover)that the most requirement wasspeak )english well, so istudy) english at the hill top language school for five years before ibecome )a flight attendant. it was because ispeak )english that iget )the job. thank you, hilltop language school !

6)i wantbe )a tour guide. in fact, it’s all i h**e ever wanted to be. i want to tr**el, especially to english-speakingcountry) such as the united states and australia.

however, i know that i h**e to improve my english, so i’ve startedtake) lessons at the henderson language school.


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