八年级英语上册 5 12单元词组

发布 2022-12-15 19:46:28 阅读 1052


1. 出生在二月 was\were born in february

2. 出生在四月十二号 was\were born on april the twelfth

3. 开始做某事 start\begin doing sth start\begin to do sth

4. 开始作曲 start writing music

5. 停止做某事 stop doing sth

6. 停下来做某事 stop to do sth

7. 在。。。岁时at the age of

8. 参加(活动)take part in join in

9. 参加(某人、某个组织)join

10. 主修major in

11. 由于(某事、某人)because of sth\sb

12. 在某人的空闲时间 in one’s free\spare time

13. 看见某人做过某事 see sb do sth

14. 看见某人正在做某事see sb doing sth

15. 为国家队踢球 play for the national team

16. 成为一名滑冰冠军 become an ice skating champion

17. 学习开车learn to drive

18. 上清华大学go to tsinghua university

19. 哼唱歌曲和很难的曲子hum songs and difficult pieces of music

20. 游览美国tour the

21. 一位杰出的中国钢琴家an outstanding chinese pianist

22. 一部名为。。。的喜剧a comedy calledamed……

23. 第一次拉手风琴first play the accordion

24. 他太年轻,不能从事那份工作。he is too young to do the work.

\he is so young that he can’t do the work.\he isn’t old enough to do the work.

25. 你任何时候开始做事都不会太早。you are never too young to start doing things.

26. 女子单打头号选手the number one women’s singles player

unit 10

1. 长大grow up

2. 听起来好像sound like

3. 举办艺术展览hold art exhibitions

4. 周游世界tr**el all over \around\ across the world

5. 想成为want to be \become

6. 同时at the same time

7. 一位职业运动员a professional athlete

8. 上表演课take acting lessons

9. 某个有趣的地方somewhere interesting

10. 找一份兼职find a part-time job

11. 存钱s**e money

12. 制定新年的打算make new year’s resolutions

13. 超过一千over\more than one thousand

14. 多锻炼以保持健康exercise more to keep fit

15. 以。。。交流communicate with

16. 一两天a day or two one or two days

17. 弹奏一种乐器play an instrument

18. 学一门外语learn a foreign language

19. 在演讲比赛中in the speech competition\contest

20. 找一份语言教师的工作find a job as a language teacher

21. 搬到某地move to

22. 组建足球队make\start a\the soccer team

23. 离职le**e one’s job

24. 在安静而又美丽的某处退休retire somewhere quiet and beautiful


1. 干家务do chores\housework

2. 洗餐具do the dishes

3. 洗衣服do the laundry\washing do some washing wash clothes

4. 扫地sweep the floor

5. 倒垃圾take out the trash

6. 叠衣服fold the\one’s clothes

7. 整理床铺make the \one’s bed

8. 打扫客厅clean the living room

9. 从事work on

10. 晚归stay out late

11. 讨厌做某事hate to do\doing sth

12. 邀请某人做某事invite sb to do sth

13. 邀请某人参加聚会invite sb to a party

14. 搭便车get a ride

15. 做饭make\cook dinner do some cooking

16. 向某人借某物 borrow sth from sb

17. 借给某人某物lend sth to sb \lend sb sth

18. 同意某人agree with sb

19. 要求得到,索要ask for

20. 同意某人做某事agree sb to do sth


1最好的无线电台the best radio station

2.最靠近家the closest to one’s home

3.最舒适的座位the most comfortable seats

4.在城里好玩的地方in a fun part of town

5.对。。。做调查do a survey of

6.归谋人所得go to sb

7.清茶tea with nothing tea without anything

8.足够。。。做adj\adv +eough to do

9.足够的。。。enough +n

10.服装***h**e good quality clothes

11.最大的屏幕the biggest screen

12.最友好的服务the friendliest service

13.最安静的表演者the quietest perfomer

14.那是我一生最幸福的时刻。that was the happiest moment in my life.

15.这个房子给我们三个人住够大的了。this house is big enough for three of us to live in.

16.减价cut the price


4.出差。6.把某物给某人看。8.几百万。11.超过,多于。12.对某人来说,做某事很难 容易 重要。13.比起b更喜欢a m41.到达。2.与 相处融恰。3.听说。4.事实上。5.退学。6.几年前。7.在 的帮助下。8.由于。9.停止做某事。10.停下 手中事 去做另一件事。11.参加。12.照顾...


unit 1 section a 1.询问频度how often 2.做眼保健操do eye exercises 3.做早操do morning exercises 4.做数学题do math exercises 5.做运动exercise do take exercise 6.你周末通常做什么?w...


unit 1在乡村 在农村人。灭绝 消失在 的最后了解到。去散步破开 破裂大的景点。在干燥的气候中地某人而言重要攀登。unit 2下国际象棋玩纸牌游戏 打牌很早以前。向 某人 挑战赢得比赛一粒大米。剩余部分命令某人做某事等等。得到一件奖品无疑 肯定听从某人的意见。从那时起全年抄写 誊写。首先发展成为...