八年级英语上册1 3单元教案

发布 2022-12-15 19:48:28 阅读 5460

unit1 how often do you exercise?

section a (1a-grammar focus)


三维目标】1. 知识与技能:

1) master words, phrases and language points.

2) practice speaking and listening skills.

2. 过程与方法:

1) let the students work in pairs to learn the cooperative learning.

2) task-based teaching approach.

3) autonomous learning and cooperative investigation.

3. 情感态度与价值观:

lead the students to form the healthy lifestyle.


1. 一般现在时态的熟练运用。

2. 频率词汇及询问活动频率。

教学过程】i. warm up

task1. read new words and remember them.

task2. 英汉互译:

always (100usually (80often (30-50%)_sometimes (20%)_hardly ever(5never (0once___twice___three times___每天一周一次:__一周两次一周三次一月一次一月两次。

. pre-task

task1. 1. look at the picture at 1a,write down the activities.abcd

e go skateboarding

2. free talk (1c) 两人一组,利用短语;仿照下列句型谈论日常活动。(注意:第三人称替换)

a: what do you usually do on weekends?

b: i often go to the movies.

a: what does he usually do on weekends?

b: he usually goes skateboarding

3. do 1b. listen to the tape。

task2. free talk

理解how often...句型,谈论活动频率,并仿照练习(注意:第三人称替换)

a: how often do you watch tv?

b: twice a week.

a: how often does she go to the movies?

b: once a month.

参考短语:surf the internet(网上冲浪), read english books, go to the movies, exercise…

. practice / while-task

task1. listen to the tape. do 2a-2b

task2. listen to the tape again. repeat one sentence by one sentence.

free talk with their partner.

task3. 2c

. production / post-task

task1. how often do you do these activities? fill in the chart and then make conversations.

a: how often do you watch tv?

b: twice a week.

a: what’s your f**orite program?

b: it is animal world.

a: how often do you watch it?

b: once a month.

(注意:f**orite program 最喜欢的节目)

task2. writing

use the information in task 1 to write a short passage.


how manyhow much

how oftenhow old

how long


(1)-_do you do your homework? -every day.

a .when b. how often c. how many times d. what time

(2) i visit my grandparentsa month.

a. two times b. second time c. the second time d. twice

(3)one of my f**orite programsanimal world.

a. amb. isc. ared. don't

(4)she hardly eversports games __tv on sunday


a. watching; over b. to watch; in c. watch; byd. watches, on

3、用下列词填空(surf , program , once )

(1) -what's your f**orite tvit's cctv news

(2) he hardly ever __the internet.

(3) _a year, they h**e a christmas party(圣诞聚会).


sum up what we h**e learned today.

1. words and phrases.

2. listening and speaking skills (how often do you …

. homework

1. preview next lesson

2. 完成《同步学习》相关题目。



在pre-task中,依据由简到难,由熟悉到陌生的原则,先练习了what do you usually do?然后练习how often --使学生接受起来更有阶级性,注重知识之间的联系。




unit2 what’s the matter?

section b 3a-4

学校:临沂**实验学校主备人: 王富艳

三维目标】1. 知识与技能:

1) master the words, phrases and expressions in 3a-4.

2) learn the chinese way of keeping healthy. know how to keep healthy.

3) practice the reading and writing skills about health.

2. 过程与方法:

1) work in pairs and groups to learn the cooperative learning.

2) task-based learning approach.(任务型学习方法)

3) autonomous learning and cooperative investigation. (自主学习,合作**)

3. 情感态度与价值观:

care for each other’s health. know how to form good life habits and healthy lifestyle.



1. words, phrases and expressions in 3a-4.

2. learn more about health. master the ways of keeping healthy, especially the chinese way (a balance of yin and yang).

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